# FnExpr

  Creates immediately invoked function expressions specifically
  to be used with the pipe operator.

  The motiviation for this library was from Dave Thomas' short talk
  [Put This in Your Pipe](, which
  was awesome.  However, I found that the additional boilerplate
  syntax to *immediately-invoke* the function also a little *funky*.

  Here is a (contrived) example, using the pipe operator and anonymous
  functions directly

      iex> :apples
      ...> |> (fn atom -> Atom.to_string(atom) <> "__post" end).()
      ...> |> (fn (str) -> String.to_atom("pre__" <> str) end).()

  The same example can be represented with the `&` capture operator.

      iex> :apples
      ...> |> (&(Atom.to_string(&1) <> "__post")).()
      ...> |> (&(String.to_atom("pre__" <> &1))).()

  Neither look that great, so we are introducing a && capture-and-run
  operator, as well as `capture` macro which includes support for
  both capture expressions (`&1 + 1`), as well as anonymous
  functions (`fn x -> x + 1 end`).

  That same example above, would look like

      iex> :apples
      ...> |> FnExpr.&&(Atom.to_string(&1) <> "__post")
      ...> |> FnExpr.&&(String.to_atom("pre__" <> &1))

  If you prefer, you can `use FnExpr` like the following:

      defmodule FnExpr.ExampleInvoke do
        use FnExpr

        def piece_count(board) do
          |> Enum.reduce({0, 0}, fn(piece, {black, white}) ->
                case piece do
                  :black -> {black+1, white}
                  :white -> {black, white+1}
                  _ -> {black, white}

        def total_pieces_on(board) do
          |> piece_count
          |> invoke(fn {black, white} -> black + white end)
          |> invoke("Total pieces: \#{&1}")


  And a sample output would look like:

      iex> [nil, :black, nil, :black, :white, nil, :black]
      ...> |> FnExpr.ExampleInvoke.total_pieces_on
      "Total pieces: 4"

  In the example above, we are using the `invoke` macro, it
  takes the preceeding output from the pipe, as well as a
  function expression (or a capture expression).

  If you passs in a capture expression, then you only have
  `&1` available (the output from the previous pipe).
  Or, if you wanted greated pattern mataching, you can
  us the `fn` function expression notation.

  Here's a full example showing how to use the `&&` macro.
  Note that && is not directly supported in Elixir as a
  capture and immediately execute operator, so you will need
  to include the module name `FnExpr.&&`.

      defmodule FnExpr.ExampleAndAnd do
        require FnExpr

        def combine(atom) do
          |> FnExpr.&&(Atom.to_string(&1) <> "__post")
          |> FnExpr.&&(String.to_atom("pre__" <> &1))


## Installation

@deps [
  fn_expr: "~> 0.1.1"

Documentation can be found at [](

## License

MIT License

Created:  2017-06-15