
defmodule ForageWeb.Assets do
  @moduledoc """
  Utilities to deal with static assets required by Forage's
  more advanced widgets, namely the select widgets.

  Forage uses Bootstrap v4 instead of the newer Bootstrap v5.

  @external_resource "lib/forage_web/assets/activate-forage-select.js"

  # Extract the list of supported themes from the ones in the `priv/` directory
  bootswatch_themes =!("priv/static/themes")
    |> List.delete("default")
    |> Enum.sort()

  # Ensure the "default" theme comes first
  bootstrap_themes = ["default" | bootswatch_themes]

  for theme <- bootstrap_themes do
    path = "priv/static/themes/#{theme}/bootstrap.min.css"
    @external_resource path

  for file <-!("priv/static/select/") do
    path = "priv/select/#{file}"
    @external_resource path

  # Add the supported themes to a module attribute
  @bootstrap_themes bootstrap_themes

  url_for_theme = fn
    # Not strictly a Bootswatch theme, but including it here is useful
    "default" -> ""
    # Link to Boostwatch v4
    theme -> "{theme}/"

  # Build a markdown excerpt containing a list of suppoered theme
  # and their respective themes
  theme_list_markdown =
    |> theme -> "  - [#{theme}](#{url_for_theme.(theme)})" end)
    |> Enum.join("\n")

  @activate_select (
    "<script>" <>!("lib/forage_web/assets/activate-forage-select.js") <>

  @forage_select_assets_from_cdn """
  <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>

  @forage_select_assets_from_app """
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/_forage/select/select2.min.css"/>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/_forage/select/select2-bootstrap4.min.css"/>
  <script src="/_forage/select/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <script src="/_forage/select/select2.min.js"></script>

  @doc """
  Adds a `<script>` tag to the webpage with the javascript required to run
  the forage select widgets.
  Even after adding this code, you need to activate the select widget using

  The Javascript is served from an external CDN.
  def forage_select_assets_from_cdn() do
    {:safe, @forage_select_assets_from_cdn}

  @doc """
  Adds a `<script>` tag to the webpage with the javascript required to run
  the forage select widgets.
  Even after adding this code, you need to activate the select widget using

  The Javascript is served from the phoenix application.
  def forage_select_assets_from_app() do
    {:safe, @forage_select_assets_from_app}

  @doc """
  Add to the end of the webpage in order to activate the forage select widget.
  Adds a `<script>` tag to the webpage.
  def activate_forage_select() do
    {:safe, @activate_select}

  @doc """
  Renders the HTML `<link>` tag necessary to use a given Bootswatch theme,
  which are compatible with the default bootstrap classes.
  The theme is served from an external CDN.

  This function includes the *default* theme, which is the default
  bootstrap theme and not strictly part of bootswatch.
  The following themes are supported:


  This is meant to be used inside the `<head>` tag of your application.

  Note: no specific endorsement of Bootswatch themes is intended.
  They are included here simply because they are compatible with
  the default theme and may be a simple way of adding variety
  to your website.

  The themes are served from the
  []( CDN.

  ## Examples

  <%= ForageWeb.Assets.theme_from_cdn("superhero") %>
  def theme_from_cdn("default") do
     ~S[<link rel="stylesheet" href="">]}

  def theme_from_cdn(theme) when theme in @bootstrap_themes do
       ~S[<link rel="stylesheet" href="],

  @doc """
  Renders the HTML `<link>` tag necessary to use a given Bootswatch theme,
  which are compatible with the default bootstrap classes.
  The theme is served from an external CDN.

  This function includes the *default* theme, which is the default
  bootstrap theme and not strictly part of bootswatch.
  The following themes are supported:


  This is meant to be used inside the `<head>` tag of your application.

  Note: no specific endorsement of Bootswatch themes is intended.
  They are included here simply because they are compatible with
  the default theme and may be a simple way of adding variety
  to your website.

  ## Examples

  <%= ForageWeb.Assets.theme_from_app("superhero") %>
  def theme_from_app(theme) when theme in @bootstrap_themes do
       ~S[<link rel="stylesheet" href="/_forage/themes/],

  @doc """
  Enable serving forage assets from the phoenix application
  (instead of serving from a CDN).

  It's meant to be used in the Phoenix application's endpoint
  (just like the `Plug.Static`).

  ## Example

    	defmodule MyAppWeb.Endpoint do
        use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :my_app
        # ...

        plug Plug.Static, ...

        use ForageWeb.Assets

        # ...
  defmacro __using__(_opts) do
    quote do
      plug Plug.Static,
        at: "_forage/",
        from: {:forage, "priv/static"},
        gzip: false,
        headers: [{"access-control-allow-origin", "*"}]

  @doc """
  Lists all supported bootstrap themes.

  Currently, supported bootstrap themes are:

  def supported_bootstrap_themes() do