# Forcex
Elixir library for interacting with the Force.com REST API.
## Usage
Add Forcex to your dependency list
defp deps do
[ {:forcex, "~> 0.4"}
At compile time Forcex will query the Force.com REST API and generate modules for all the
SObjects you have configured and permission to see.
If you see a warning like
23:37:02.057 [warn] Cannot log into SFDC API. Please ensure you have Forcex properly configured.
Got error code 400 and message %{"error" => "invalid_client_id", "error_description" => "client identifier invalid"}
You will need to configure Forcex, as noted below, and then explicitly recompile Forcex
$ mix deps.clean forcex
$ mix deps.compile forcex
You can have Forcex generate modules at compile time using the accompanying Mix task.
$ mix compile.forcex
This can also be invoked automatically by adding Forcex to your project's compilers in `mix.exs`
compilers: [:forcex] ++ Mix.compilers,
## Bulk API Usage
Forcex has an example Bulk API query job controller. Here's roughly how that can
client = Forcex.Bulk.Client.login
|> Enum.map(fn sobject -> {sobject, ["select Id, Name from #{sobject}"]} end)
|> Enum.map(fn {sobject, queries} ->
Forcex.Bulk.JobController.start_link({:query, sobject, queries, client}) end)
## Configuration
The `Forcex.Client` is configured to read login information either from
application configuration:
config :forcex, Forcex.Client,
username: "user@example.com",
password: "my_super_secret_password",
security_token: "EMAILED_FROM_SALESFORCE",
or these environment variables:
HTTPoison request-specific options may also be configured:
config :forcex, :request_options,
timeout: 20000,
recv_timeout: :infinity
For steps on how to create a Connected App with OAuth keys and secrets,
please see the [Force.com REST API section on Connected Apps](https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/intro_defining_remote_access_applications.htm).
Currently, to be fully functional, the `Forcex.Client` must both `login` and
Pagination of results is entirely manual at the moment.
client = Forcex.Client.login |> Forcex.Client.locate_services
first_page = Forcex.query("select Id, Name from Account order by CreatedDate desc", client)
second_page = first_page |> Map.get("nextRecordsUrl") |> Forcex.get(client)
## Further Configuration
Forcex allows additional configuration of API endpoint and API version via the
`%Forcex.Client{}` struct. You may also use this mechanism if you have a
`grant_type` other than password.
This example shows how to use both an older API version and the SalesForce
sandbox API.
|> Forcex.Client.login(%Forcex.Client{endpoint: "https://test.salesforce.com", api_version: "34.0"})
## Testing
Make sure dependencies are installed
mix deps.get
Tests can be run with
mix test
Tests can be run automatically when files change with
mix test.watch --stale
Tests mock the api calls to the Salesforce API using Mox to set expectations on
`Forcex.Api.MockHttp.raw_request`. To know what to put in a mock response just
run the client in `iex` and look for the debug logging response from http.ex.
Make sure not to scrub any responses for sensitive data before including them
in a commit.
Example assuming environment variables are in place with login info
% iex -S mix
iex(1)> client = Forcex.Client.login |> Forcex.Client.locate_services
14:40:27.858 file=forcex/lib/forcex/api/http.ex line=19 [debug] Elixir.Forcex.Api.Http.raw_request response=%{access_token: "redacted",...
14:40:28.222 file=forcex/lib/forcex/api/http.ex line=19 [debug] Elixir.Forcex.Api.Http.raw_request response=%{process: "/services/data/v41.0/process", search...
iex(2)> Forcex.query("select Id, Name from Account order by CreatedDate desc", client)
14:43:05.896 file=forcex/lib/forcex/api/http.ex line=19 [debug] Elixir.Forcex.Api.Http.raw_request response=%{done: false, nextRecordsUrl: "/services/data/v4
Just take the data after `response=` and throw it in a Mox expectation. See
existing tests for full examples
response = %{access_token: "redacted"}
|> expect(:raw_request, fn(:get, ^expected_url, _, ^auth_header, _) -> response end)
## Current State
See https://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api_rest/
- [x] List API versions available
- [x] Login (Username/Password/Client Key/Client Secret)
- [ ] Login (Web Server OAuth)
- [ ] Login (User-Agent OAuth)
- [ ] OAuth Refresh Token
- [x] Resources by Version
- [x] Limits
- [x] Describe Global
- [x] SObject Basic Information
- [x] SObject Describe
- [x] SObject Get Deleted
- [x] SObject Get Updated
- [ ] SObject Named Layouts
- [x] SObject Rows
- [x] SObject Rows by External ID
- [ ] SObject ApprovalLayouts
- [ ] SObject CompactLayouts
- [ ] SObject Layouts
- [x] SObject Blob Retrieve
- [ ] SObject Quick Actions
- [ ] SObject Suggested Articles for Case
- [ ] SObject User Password
- [ ] AppMenu
- [ ] Compact Layouts
- [ ] FlexiPage
- [ ] Process Approvals
- [ ] Process Rules
- [x] Query
- [x] QueryAll
- [x] Quick Actions
- [ ] Search
- [ ] Search Scope and Order
- [ ] Search Result Layouts
- [x] Recently Viewed Items
- [ ] Search Suggested Article Title Matches
- [x] Tabs
- [x] Themes
# License
MIT License, see LICENSE