# FormatParser

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Can be used to figure out the file type and format.

Inspired heavily by [format_parser](

## Basic usage

# Image
{:ok, file} ="myimage.jpg")
match = FormatParser.parse(file)
match.nature        #=> :image
match.format        #=> :jpg

# Video
{:ok, file} ="myvideo.flv")
match = FormatParser.parse(file)
match.nature        #=> :video
match.format        #=> :flv

# Document
{:ok, file} ="mydocument.rtf")
match = FormatParser.parse(file)
match.nature        #=> :document
match.format        #=> :rtf

# Audio
{:ok, file} ="myaudio.wav")
match = FormatParser.parse(file)
match.nature        #=> :audio
match.format        #=> :wav

# Font
{:ok, file} ="myfont.ttf")
match = FormatParser.parse(file)
match.nature        #=> :font
match.format        #=> :ttf


## Supported Formats

### Audio

| Type  | Nature | Format | Sample Rate | # of Channels |
| :---: | :----: | :----: | :---------: | :-----------: |
| aiff  | x      | x      |             |               |
| wav   | x      | x      | x           | x             |
| ogg   | x      | x      |             |               |
| flac  | x      | x      |             |               |

### Video

| Type | Nature | Format |
| :--: | :----: | :----: |
| flv  | x      | x      |

### Document

| Type | Nature | Format |
| :--: | :----: | :----: |
| rtf  | x      | x      |

### Image

| Type | Nature | Format | Width | Height |
| :--: | :----: | :----: | :---: | :----: |
| jpg  | x      | x      |       |        |
| gif  | x      | x      | x     | x      |
| ico  | x      | x      | x     | x      |
| cur  | x      | x      | x     | x      |
| cr2  | x      | x      | x     | x      |
| nef  | x      | x      | x     | x      |
| tif  | x      | x      | x     | x      |
| bmp  | x      | x      | x     | x      |
| png  | x      | x      | x     | x      |
| psd  | x      | x      |       |        |

### Font

| Type | Nature | Format |
| :--: | :----: | :----: |
| ttf  | x      | x      |
| otf  | x      | x      |
| fon  | x      | x      |

## Installation

def deps do
    {:format_parser, "~> 0.6.0"}

Documentation can be found at [](