# Formulae [![Kantox ❤ OSS](https://img.shields.io/badge/❤-kantox_oss-informational.svg)](https://kantox.com/) ![Test](https://github.com/am-kantox/formulae/workflows/Test/badge.svg) ![Dialyzer](https://github.com/am-kantox/formulae/workflows/Dialyzer/badge.svg)
**Nifty precompiled formulae handling**
## Installation
def deps do
[{:formulae, "~> 0.11"}]
## Using
iex|1 ▸ f = Formulae.compile("rem(a, 5) - b == 0")
sigil: "~F[rem(a, 5) - b == 0]",
eval: &:"Elixir.Formulae.rem(a, 5) - b == 0".eval/1,
formula: "rem(a, 5) - b == 0",
guard: nil,
module: :"Elixir.Formulae.rem(a, 5) - b == 0",
variables: [:a, :b]
iex|2 ▸ f.eval.(a: 11, b: 1)
iex|3 ▸ f.variables
[:a, :b]
iex|4 ▸ f.module
:"Elixir.Formulae.rem(a, 5) - b == 0"
## Changelog
- **`0.14.0`** [UPD] Fully optional `Finitomata`, configurable through `config :formulae, compiler: :finitomata`
- **`0.13.0`** [UPD] Elixir v1.16, modern libs
- **`0.12.0`** [ENH] `Formulae.Compiler` to avoid compilation glitches in highly concurrent environment
- **`0.11.7`** make dialyzer happy with new `:imports` formats
- **`0.11.6`** improve syntax for imports with arguments, accept `{:math, only: [pi: 0]}`
- **`0.11.5`** [FIX] elixir nested aliases + [FEAT] accept `except:` and `only:` for imports
- **`0.11.4`** [FIX] reattempt to create module if not existing on `eval/3` call
- **`0.11.2`** [FIX] restrict `apply/3`, `spawn/3`, and `import/2`
- **`0.11.1`** [FIX] `Formulae.formulas/1` + aliases are handled more naturally
- **`0.11.0`** `v1.0.0` pre-release
- `options` in a call to `Formulae.compile/2`
- accurate validation of module existence
- default arguments
- aliases
- imports
- **`0.10.0`**
- `Inspect` and `String.Chars` protocols implementation
- `Formulae.Sigils.sigil_F/2` aka `~F[x > y]`
- **`0.9.0`**
- `options: [eval: :guard, alias: SomeModName]`
- fixes for modern _Elixir_
- optimizations in module generation
- benchmarks
- **`0.8.0`** — generate combinators functions in `Formulae` module
## [Documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/formulae)