# ExFreeBSD

Helping [Elixir mix releases]( become [FreeBSD packages](, since 2022.

Documentation: <>

## Installation

You DO need `elixir` to build your release and package.
You can install it with `pkg install elixir`.
(See _Choosing an OTP Version_ below).

You DO NOT need `elixir` to run your app, assuming your mix release configures `include_erts: true` (which is the default).

Add `freebsd` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:freebsd, "~> 0.5.0", runtime: false}

Add a `freebsd` key to `mix.exs` project config.

  def project do
      # ExFreeBSD requires these standard keys:
      app: :freebsd,
      version: "0.5.0",
      description: description(),
      homepage_url: "",
      # and adds this one:
      freebsd: freebsd()

  defp freebsd do
      # required
      maintainer: "",
      description: description(), # can be a multi-line string instead

      # optional, documented at
      deps: %{
        bash: %{version: "5.1", origin: "shells/bash"}

## Usage

Build a release as usual: `env MIX_ENV=prod mix release --overwrite`

`env MIX_ENV=prod mix freebsd.pkg` will produce a FreeBSD .pkg file which you can then install as usual.

ExFreeBSD produces `/usr/local/etc/rc.d/<appname>` which provides the following commands:

- `start`
- `stop`
- `restart`
- `status`
- `remote`

Run them using [`service(8)`](

After installing the package, you can define application-specific environment variables in `/usr/local/etc/<appname>/<appname>.env`:


Logs go to `/var/log/<appname>.log`. Crash dumps default to `/var/log/<appname>_erl_crash.dump`.
Any additional temp app data defaults to `/var/run/<appname>`.

## Choosing an OTP Version

The simplest way to install and build with elixir is to `pkg install elixir`.
This will use the most recently built [`lang/elixir`](
and [`lang/erlang`]( ports.

If you want to use a more recent version of elixir, and specify your erlang/OTP version,
you should install [`lang/elixir-devel`]( and
 the [`elixir-runtime*`](
 you want.

The key difference between `lang/erlang` and `lang/erlang-runtime*` is that `lang/erlang` installs the erlang tools
to `/usr/local/bin`, and `lang/erlang-runtime*` do not. This means that you will explicitly need to add the package's
bin path to your PATH to use the tools, e.g. `export PATH=/usr/local/lib/erlang25/bin:$PATH`.

See `.cirrus.yml` for an example of how to install and configure a specific erlang runtime.
(Note that PATH is set using Cirrus CI's [env var syntax](

## Roadmap

- auto-name package w/ CI suffix: `<app>-ci-<branch>-<version>p<timestamp>`
- MANIFEST conflict for `<app> <app>-ci-*`
- run as non-privileged user
- document epmd usage (run it as a service, not automatically by package)
- build package as part of a release