# Freecodecamp exercises using Elixir
Solving exercises from Freecodecamp.org using Elixir programming language. Includes benchmarks and tests for every functions.
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[commit]: https://github.com/jaeyson/freecodecamp_elixir/commit/main
[pulse]: https://github.com/jaeyson/freecodecamp_elixir/pulse
[dependabot]: https://github.com/jaeyson/freecodecamp_elixir/pulls/app%2Fdependabot
[actions]: https://github.com/jaeyson/freecodecamp_elixir/actions
[coverage]: https://coveralls.io/github/jaeyson/freecodecamp_elixir?branch=main
[hex]: https://hex.pm/packages/freecodecamp_elixir
[hexdocs]: https://hexdocs.pm/freecodecamp_elixir
[//]: # "Image sources"
[commit-badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/jaeyson/freecodecamp_elixir.svg
[pulse-badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/commit-activity/m/jaeyson/freecodecamp_elixir
[dependabot-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Dependabot-enabled-green
[actions-badge]: https://github.com/jaeyson/freecodecamp_elixir/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg
[coverage-badge]: https://coveralls.io/repos/github/jaeyson/freecodecamp_elixir/badge.svg?branch=main
[hex-badge]: https://img.shields.io/hexpm/v/freecodecamp_elixir
[hexdocs-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/hex-docs-blue
Folders that are interesting to read can be found at:
- [`lib/`](https://github.com/jaeyson/freecodecamp_elixir/tree/main/lib/)
- [`test/`](https://github.com/jaeyson/freecodecamp_elixir/tree/main/test/)
## Elixir installation
Either use [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/), this Docker automated install script `curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh`, or use [`asdf`](https://asdf-vm.com/#/core-manage-asdf).
## Using Docker
using `docker_start` shell script (use wsl on windows or git bash, otherwise this works both ?mac? and linux), or see the file if you want to use docker commands instead.
# I haven't tried this both on windows and mac, YMMV
source docker_start
Why `source docker_start` instead of `chmod +x ./docker_start`? read [run bash script doesn't work alias command](https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/386455/437416).
#### Getting dependencies
mix deps.get --only test
#### Launch REPL
iex -S mix
#### Stopping **Elixir** container, remove alias created by shell script
# where "elixir" is the name of the container
docker container stop elixir
# temporary alias are not persisted across different sessions
# but if you want to remove them
unalias elixir iex mix elixirc
## Create Pre-commit Hook
mix precommit
## Test
mix test
#### Coverage
mix text --cover
#### Selective tests
# i.e. you want to test only "Basic Algorithms"
mix selective_test basic_algo
# or more, separated by spaces
mix selective_test basic_algo intermediate_algo
# basic_algo = Basic Algorithm Scripting
# intermediate_algo = Intermediate Algorithm Scripting
# algo_projects = Algorithm Projects
## Generate `HTML` Docs
# running this generates docs in "doc/" directory
mix docs
## Benchmarks (using Benchee)
If you want to benchmark a specific function:
# NOTE: file path is at
# freecodecamp_elixir/benchmarks/basic_algo.exs
# Example: change the function name from
# "mutation" to "repeat_string"
# BasicAlgo.run("mutation", HTML)
# or uncomment lines to use that instead
BasicAlgo.run("repeat_string", HTML)
# you can use the default formatter (console)
BasicAlgo.run("repeat_string", Console)
mix run benchmarks/basic_algo.exs