# Freegeoip 
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Simple Elixir wrapper for HTTP API.

This package allows to get geolocation information about a specified IP.

## Usage

  {:ok, result} ="")

  {:ok, result} ={192, 30, 252, 128})

### Sample result

  "city" => "San Francisco", 
  "country_code" => "US", 
  "country_name" => "United States", 
  "ip" => "",
  "latitude" => 37.7697, 
  "longitude" => -122.3933, 
  "metro_code" => 807, 
  "region_code" => "CA",
  "region_name" => "California", 
  "time_zone" => "America/Los_Angeles", 
  "zip_code" => "94107"

### Errors

You can receive mutiple errors, check [the documentation]( for details:

%{:error, %{reason: :some_error, error: "some error description"}}

### Localizing results

You can specify the language you want the results to be. Just use the [ISO 639-1 code]( of the desired language.

```ex, "es")

You can also put the locale as a string, using the same format as used on [`Accept-language` HTTP header specification](

```ex, "da, en-gb;q=0.8, en;q=0.7")

## Using a custom server

You can use a custom hosted freegeoip server. I personally don't recommend using the public server for production because is normally oversaturated, causing many requests to time out.

For instructions to install your own server check [freegeoip project](

Once installed, you can specify the server base URL by setting `FREEGEOIP_HOST` environment variable:


Alternatively you can set the server host in your `config.exs` file:

use Mix.Config

config :freegeoip, base_url: ""

### Server authentication

If you choose to protect your server with basic authentication you can specify username and password the same way you set the server host, this time using `FREEGEOIP_USERNAME`and `FREEGEOIP_PASSWORD` env variables:

export FREEGEOIP_USERNAME=your_username
export FREEGEOIP_PASSWORD=your_password

Alternatively you can include this data into your server host in your `config.exs` file:

use Mix.Config

config :freegeoip, auth_user: "your_username"
config :freegeoip, auth_password: "your_password"

## Installation

You can install this package like any other HEX packages:

  1. Add freegeoip to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:freegeoip, "~> 0.0.3"}]

  2. Ensure freegeoip is started before your application:

    def application do
      [applications: [:freegeoip]]

# Credits

[]( is
community funded, therefore consider [donating]( if you
use and like it.