Some little [Elixir][]-helpers around the file system. The package was created
on 2020-09-20 for my personal convenience and will grow while being used in
several of my daily projects.

My aim is to produce some well-crafted packages for stuff I did in every
single Elixir-project by now. Other packages for `img_utils`, `net_utils`, and
more will follow (as of the current plan ;-))

## Installation

### Latest Release

Use the latest HEX-package built.
def deps do
    {:fs_utils, "~> 0.1" }

### Latest Snapshot

Or use the latest snapshot (branch master) from Github.
def deps do
    {:fs_utils, git: "" }

Documentation can be generated locally with

    mix docs && open doc/index.html

and is published on [HexDocs]( at

  - [](
