# FTPasta
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A simple wrapper around Erlang's built-in `ftp` module.
This library is a work-in-progress, and should not be relied on in its current state.
## Example Usage
gleam add ftpasta
import ftpasta
import ftpasta/tls_config
import gleam/io
import gleam/list
pub fn main() {
// Connect to a server.
let assert Ok(connection) =
|> ftpasta.encryption(tls_config.Plaintext)
|> ftpasta.connect()
// List the files.
let assert Ok(items) = ftpasta.list(connection, "")
list.map(items, fn(item) { io.println(item.name) })
// Close the connection.
## Development
The included script `run_tests.sh` will start two instances of `vsftpd` with the required configuration, run all tests, and then shut the servers down.