# Fulcrum

Fulcrum library for Elixir.

The aim is to present the Fulcrum API as a replacement for the Ecto Repo.

So, instead of Repo.all(Form), you can write Fulcrum.all(Form). In this way, you only have to make minor changes to your controllers, to work with Fulcrum.

## Installation

Add fulcrum to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:fulcrum, "~> 0.0.1"}]

Ensure fulcrum is started before your application:

def application do
  [applications: [:fulcrum]]

Add your Fulcrum api-key to your config file

use Mix.Config
  config :fulcrum,
    api_key: "<your key here>"

## Usage

The following resources are available (checked ones have been implemented):

  - [ ] Users (only "all")
  - [x] Forms
  - [x] Records
  - [ ] Choice Lists
  - [ ] Classification Sets
  - [ ] Change Sets (coming from mobile device)

The following functions are implemented:
  - [x] all/1
  - [x] get!/1
  - [ ] get/1
  - [x] insert!/2
  - [ ] insert/2
  - [ ] update!/2
  - [ ] update/2
  - [ ] delete!/1
  - [ ] delete/1