# Funkspector
Web page inspector for Elixir.
Funkspector is a web scraper that lets you extract data from web pages and XML sitemaps.
## Usage
### Page Scraping
Simply pass Funkspector the URL of a web page to inspect and it will return its scraped data:
iex> { :ok, data } = Funkspector.page_scrape("http://github.com")
### Sitemap Scraping
Funkspector can extract the locations from XML sitemaps, like this:
iex> { :ok, data } = Funkspector.sitemap_scrape("http://validationhell.com/sitemap.xml")
### Custom options
Both `Funkspector.page_scrape` and `Funkspector.sitemap_scrape` accept options to customize the timeout and User Agent string.
For example, you could use:
Funkspector.page_scrape("http://github.com", %{recv_timeout: 5_000, user_agent: "My Bot"})
Funkspector.sitemap_scrape("http://validationhell.com/sitemap.xml", %{recv_timeout: 5_000, user_agent: "My Bot"})
### Scraped data
Currently Funkspector returns this scraped data both from pages and sitemaps:
* `headers`. Response headers, including content-type etc.
* `body`. Raw body.
* `original_url` and `final_url`. Funkspector follows redirections, here are the original URL given and the final one after following the redirections.
* `scheme`. Like, "http" or "https".
* `host`. Like, "github.com".
* `root_url`. Root url for the given URL. For `http://example.com/about` it will be `http://example.com`.
The PageScraper also returns:
* `links`. Organized in `raw`, `http.internal`, `http.external` and `non_http`.
The SitemapScraper also returns:
* `locs`. Collection ot URLs.
## Error response
In case of error, Funkspector will return the `original_url` and the reason from the server:
case Funkspector.page_scrape("http://example.com") do
{ :ok, data } ->
{ :error, url, reason } ->
IO.puts "Could not scrape #{url} because of #{reason}"
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed as:
1. Add funkspector to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:funkspector, "~> 0.1"}]
2. Ensure funkspector is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:funkspector]]