# Furlex

Furlex is a [structured data]( extraction tool written in Elixir.

It currently supports unfurling oEmbed, Twitter Card, Facebook Open Graph, JSON-LD
and plain ole' HTML `<meta />` data out of any url you supply.

## Installation

Add `:furlex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:furlex, "~> 0.1.1"}]

Then run `$ mix deps.get`. Also add `:furlex` to your applications list:

def application do
  [applications: [:furlex]]

## Usage
To unfurl a url, first configure the tags you'd like to capture under each parser (or simply copy+paste the following into your `config.exs`):

config :furlex, Furlex.Parser.Facebook,
  tags: ~w(
    fb:app_id fb:pages

    og:url og:title og:description og:image og:type og:locale og:video
    og:video:url og:video:secure_url og:video:type og:video:width
    og:video:height og:image:url og:image:secure_url og:image:type
    og:image:width og:image:height og:audio og:determiner og:locale:alternate
    og:site_name og:image:alt

    article:published_time article:modified_time
    article:expiration_time article:author article:section article:tag

    book:author book:isbn book:release_date book:tag

    profile:first_name profile:last_name profile:username profile:gender

    music:duration music:album music:album:disc music:album:track
    music:musician music:song music:song:disc music:song:track
    music:release_date music:creator

    video:actor video:actor:role video:director video:duration
    video:release_date video:tag video:writer video:series

config :furlex, Furlex.Parser.Twitter,
  tags: ~w(
    twitter:card twitter:site twitter:domain twitter:url twitter:site:id
    twitter:creator twitter:creator:id twitter:description twitter:title
    twitter:image twitter:image:alt twitter:player twitter:player:width
    twitter:player:height twitter:player:stream twitter:app:name:iphone
    twitter:app:id:iphone twitter:app:url:iphone twitter:app:name:ipad
    twitter:app:id:ipad twitter:app:url:ipad twitter:app:name:googleplay
    twitter:app:url:googleplay twitter:app:id:googleplay

Then simply pass a url to `Furlex.unfurl/1`

iex(1)> Furlex.unfurl ""
 %Furlex{canonical_url: "",
  facebook: %{"fb:app_id" => "87741124305",
    "og:description" => "Watch the full episode: Ask This Old House host Kevin O’Connor visits Nick Offerman in Los A...",
    "og:image" => "",
    "og:site_name" => "YouTube",
    "og:title" => "Touring Nick Offerman’s Wood Shop", "og:type" => "video",
    "og:url" => "",
    "og:video:height" => ["720", "720"],
    "og:video:secure_url" => ["",
    "og:video:type" => ["text/html", "application/x-shockwave-flash"],
    "og:video:url" => ["",
    "og:video:width" => ["1280", "1280"]},
  json_ld: [%{"@context" => "", "@type" => "BreadcrumbList",
     "itemListElement" => [%{"@type" => "ListItem",
        "item" => %{"@id" => "",
          "name" => "This Old House"}, "position" => 1}]}],
  oembed: %{"author_name" => "This Old House",
    "author_url" => "",
    "height" => 270,
    "html" => "<iframe width=\"480\" height=\"270\" src=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe>",
    "provider_name" => "YouTube", "provider_url" => "",
    "thumbnail_height" => 360,
    "thumbnail_url" => "",
    "thumbnail_width" => 480, "title" => "Touring Nick Offerman’s Wood Shop",
    "type" => "video", "version" => "1.0", "width" => 480},
  other: %{"description" => "Watch the full episode: Ask This Old House host Kevin O’Connor visits Nick Offerman in Los A...",
    "keywords" => "this old house, how-to, home improvement, Episode, TV Show, DIY, Ask This Old House, Nick Offerman, Kevin O'Connor, woodworking, wood shop",
    "theme-color" => "#e62117",
    "title" => "Touring Nick Offerman’s Wood Shop"},
  twitter: %{"twitter:app:id:googleplay" => "",
    "twitter:app:id:ipad" => "544007664",
    "twitter:app:id:iphone" => "544007664",
    "twitter:app:name:googleplay" => "YouTube",
    "twitter:app:name:ipad" => "YouTube",
    "twitter:app:name:iphone" => "YouTube",
    "twitter:app:url:googleplay" => "",
    "twitter:app:url:ipad" => "",
    "twitter:app:url:iphone" => "",
    "twitter:card" => "player",
    "twitter:description" => "Watch the full episode: Ask This Old House host Kevin O’Connor visits Nick Offerman in Los A...",
    "twitter:image" => "",
    "twitter:player" => "",
    "twitter:player:height" => "720", "twitter:player:width" => "1280",
    "twitter:site" => "@youtube",
    "twitter:title" => "Touring Nick Offerman’s Wood Shop",
    "twitter:url" => ""}}}

## License
Copyright 2017 Clayton Gentry

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.