# Fuzzyurl

Non-strict parsing, manipulation, and fuzzy matching of URLs in Elixir.

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## Adding Fuzzyurl to Your Project

To use Fuzzyurl with your projects, edit your `mix.exs` file and
add it as a dependency:

defp deps do
  [{:fuzzyurl, "~> 0.8.0"}]

## Introduction

Fuzzyurl provides two related functions: non-strict parsing of URLs or
URL-like strings into their component pieces (protocol, username, password,
hostname, port, path, query, and fragment), and fuzzy matching of URLs
and URL patterns.

Specifically, URLs that look like this:

    [protocol ://] [username [: password] @] [hostname] [: port] [/ path] [? query] [# fragment]

Fuzzyurls can be constructed using some or all of the above
fields, optionally replacing some or all of those fields with a `*`
wildcard if you wish to use the Fuzzyurl as a URL mask.

## Parsing URLs

    iex> f = Fuzzyurl.from_string("")
    %Fuzzyurl{fragment: nil, hostname: "", password: nil, path: "/users/123", port: nil, protocol: "https", query: "full=true", username: nil}
    iex> f.protocol
    iex> f.hostname
    iex> f.query

## Constructing URLs

    iex> f = "", protocol: "http", port: "8080")
    %Fuzzyurl{fragment: nil, hostname: "", password: nil, path: nil, port: "8080", protocol: "http", query: nil, username: nil}
    iex> Fuzzyurl.to_string(f)

## Matching URLs

Fuzzyurl supports wildcard matching:

* `*` matches anything, including `nil`.
* `foo*` matches `foo`, `foobar`, `foo/bar`, etc.
* `*bar` matches `bar`, `foobar`, `foo/bar`, etc.

Path and hostname matching allows the use of a greedier wildcard `**` in
addition to the naive wildcard `*`:

* `*` matches `` but not ``.
* `**` matches `` and ``.
* `/some/path/*` matches `/some/path/foo/bar` and `/some/path/`
   but not `/some/path`
* `/some/path/**` matches `/some/path/foo/bar` and `/some/path/`
   and `/some/path`

The `Fuzzyurl.mask/0` and `Fuzzyurl.mask/1` functions aid in the
creation of URL masks.

    iex> m = Fuzzyurl.mask
    %Fuzzyurl{fragment: "*", hostname: "*", password: "*", path: "*", port: "*", protocol: "*", query: "*", username: "*"}
    iex> Fuzzyurl.matches?(m, "")

    iex> m2 = Fuzzyurl.mask(path: "/a/b/**")
    %Fuzzyurl{fragment: "*", hostname: "*", password: "*", path: "/a/b/**", port: "*", protocol: "*", query: "*", username: "*"}
    iex> Fuzzyurl.matches?(m2, "")
    iex> Fuzzyurl.matches?(m2, "git+ssh://")
    iex> Fuzzyurl.matches?(m2, "")

`Fuzzyurl.best_match`, given a list of URL masks and a URL, will return
the mask which most closely matches the URL:

    iex> masks = ["/foo/*", "/foo/bar", Fuzzyurl.mask]
    iex> Fuzzyurl.best_match(masks, "")

If you'd prefer the list index of the best-matching URL mask, use
`Fuzzyurl.best_match_index` instead:

    iex> masks = ["/foo/*", "/foo/bar", Fuzzyurl.mask]
    iex> Fuzzyurl.best_match_index(masks, "")

## Authorship and License

Fuzzyurl is copyright 2014-2016, Pete Gamache.

Fuzzyurl is released under the MIT License, available at LICENSE.txt.