# fxnk
Fxnk is a functional programming library for Elixir inspired by Ramda.
[](https://hex.pm/packages/fxnk) [](https://github.com/matthewsecrist/fxnk/actions) [](https://coveralls.io/github/matthewsecrist/fxnk?branch=master)
It includes functions for flow, lists, logic, maps, and math. Typically, you'd just want to import what you need, such as `import Fxnk.Flow, only: [if_else: 4]`.
And then you would use it like this:
defmodule Something.Cool do
import Fxnk.Flow, only: [if_else: 4]
def do_stuff(a, b, c) do
|> foo(b)
|> bar(c)
|> if_else(is_awesome?, do_awesome_stuff/1, make_awesome/1)
Fxnk's functions are also curried for easy reading.
iex> import Fxnk.Flow
iex> import Fxnk.Logic
iex> import Fxnk.Math
iex> isGreaterThan5? = gt?(5)
iex> isLessThan10? = lt?(10)
iex> isGreaterThan5AndLessThan10? = both?(isGreaterThan5?, isLessThan10?)
iex> isGreaterThan5AndLessThan10?.(8)
iex> timesTwo = multiply(2)
iex> multiplyByTwoIfBetween5and10 = when_is(isGreaterThan5AndLessThan10?, timesTwo)
iex> multiplyByTwoIfBetween5and10.(8)
You also don't need to predefine the functions to use them.
iex> import Fxnk.Flow
iex> import Fxnk.Logic
iex> import Fxnk.Math
iex> multiplyByTwoIfBetween5and10 = when_is(both?(gt?(5), lt?(10)), multiply(2))
iex> multiplyByTwoIfBetween5and10.(8)