# FyydEx

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⚠️ WORK IN PROGRESS: A basic wrapper for the [Fyyd API](

<!-- TODO: uncomment when ready
## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `fyyd_ex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:fyyd_ex, "~> 0.1"}

_Also make sure you have these three environtment variables set correctly_:


Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at []( -->

## Usage

### 😊 User

# by id
{:ok, user} = Fyyd.user(2078)
{:ok, user} = Fyyd.user("2078")

# or by nick
{:ok, user} = Fyyd.user_by_nick("optikfluffel")

### 📂 Curations

# for a specific User
{:ok, curations} = Fyyd.curations_for_user(2078)
{:ok, curations} = Fyyd.curations_for_user("2078")
{:ok, curations} = Fyyd.curations_for_user_by_nick("optikfluffel")

# including Episodes
{:ok, curations} = Fyyd.curations_for_user(2078, include: :episodes)
{:ok, curations} = Fyyd.curations_for_user("2078", include: :episodes)
{:ok, curations} = Fyyd.curations_for_user_by_nick("optikfluffel", include: :episodes)

### 📚 Collections

# for a specific User
{:ok, collections} = Fyyd.collections_for_user(2078)
{:ok, collections} = Fyyd.collections_for_user("2078")
{:ok, collections} = Fyyd.collections_for_user_by_nick("optikfluffel")

# including Podcasts
{:ok, collections} = Fyyd.collections_for_user(2078, include: :podcasts)
{:ok, collections} = Fyyd.collections_for_user("2078", include: :podcasts)
{:ok, collections} = Fyyd.collections_for_user_by_nick("optikfluffel", include: :podcasts)

## Development

- Install dependencies with `mix do deps.get, deps.compile`
- Run tests with `mix test`
- Run coverage reporting with `mix coveralls`
- Check Typespecs with `mix dialyzer`
- To continuously run tests, coverage and type checking while developing run `mix`