# Gardien
Authorization for Phoenix projects.
## Installation
Add gardien to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:gardien, "~> 0.0.1"}]
Then run mix `deps.get` to fetch the dependencies.
## Configuration
### `gardien_user` - optional
`gardien_user` - user performing some action on a resource.
**By default Gardien will try to extract user from `conn.assigns`
using `current_user` key.** In case you want to change this behaviour you can
configure `gardien_user` as follows:
# specified as a key that can be used to extract user from `conn.assigns`, e.g
# %Plug.Conn{assigns: %{admin: user}}
config :gardien,
gardien_user: :admin
# as a function that takes `conn` as an argument and returns user
config :gardien,
gardien_user: fn(conn) -> conn.assigns.current_user end
# as a remote function in {Module, atom} format
config :gardien,
gardien_user: {MyHelpers, :gardien_user}
## `Gardien.Policy` protocol
`Gardien.Policy` protocol should be
implemented for each `resource` that needs to be authorized!
This protocol defines `authorize?(resource, user, action)` function and
is used by Gardien to verify whether `user` is allowed to perform some `action`
on a given `resource`.
**Important:** `Gardien.Policy.authorize?/3` **should return `true` or `false`.**
**Note:** Gardien comes with a `Gardien.Authorize` module, that can be `use`-d
in order to implement a more descriptive policy.
`Gardien.Policy` implementation example (with `Gardien.Authorize`):
defimpl Gardien.Policy, for: MyApplication.Post do
use Gardien.Authorize
def new(_resource, _user) do
def edit(resource, user) do
user.id == resource.user_id
def update(resource, user) do
edit(resource, user)
In case you're building a closed system, where only logged in users are able
to do anything, you can define your own Authorize:
defmodule MyApplication.Authorize do
defmacro __using__(_opts) do
def authorize?(_resource, user, _action) when is_nil(user), do
do: false
def authorize?(resource, user, action),
do: apply(__MODULE__, action, [resource, user])
defimpl Gardien.Policy, for: MyApplication.Post do
use MyApplication.Authorize
## TODO: describe available authorization functions
## TODO: add examples