# Gatling

Conveniently deploy a bunch of Phoenix apps

The main goal of Gatling is to make it very easy, cheap, and convenient to deploy Phoenix apps.

Gatling is essentially a collection of mix tasks that (from a Git push) automatically create an Exrm release and launches/upgrades it on your server.

## Instructions

### Setting up the server
This has been tested on an Ubuntu 16.04 x64 server on Ec2 and Digital Ocean.

Install elixir, nginx, and the Gatling archive on your server

$ ssh server.address
Follow instructions [here]( to install elixir
$ sudo apt-get install nginx
$ mix archive.install

###  Deploying your app

For a brand new project:

SSH into your server and run the following:

$ mix gatling.load {mix project name}
Ensure your elixir project can build a release with [Exrm](

Add a file to the root of your project named `domains` and  list  all  domains that will point to this project. See an example [here](

In your `config/prod.exs` change `cache_static_manifest` to and make sure your `port` configuration uses an environment variable called `PORT`(Gatling will set this for you automatically):

config :my_app, MyApp.Endpoint, [
  cache_static_manifest: "public/static/manifest.json",
  http: [port: {:system, "PORT"}],

Add the following to your `.gitignore`:

Setup your git remote and push to your server:

$ git remote add production git@<>:<project_name>.git`
$ git push production master
SSH back into your server, run your migrations, and ensure you have your `secret.exs` file(s) installed if needed
Set your environment to `prod` by adding the following to `/etc/environment`

Now for the initial deploy. Run `$ mix gatling.deploy {project_name}` and Gatling will do the following.
- Create a `exrm` release and put all the parts in the right place
- Find an open port, configure nginx to proxy to your app
- Create an `init.d` file so your app will boot if/when your server restarts

### Performing hot upgrades to your running application

Once your app is running do the following:

- Increase the version number of your application. See [here]( for an example to automatically increase the version number along with your commit.
- Commit your new changes
- `git push`

And that's it! You'll see the new version being deployed with no downtime!.
Thats it!!! You are golden.


### Gatling.Tasks.Deploy

In your project root, create a file called `deploy.ex`. Define any of the following functions to to wrap the Gatling deployment actions:

defmodule SampleProject.DeployCallbacks do

  def before_mix_deps_get(env)
  def after_mix_deps_get(env)

  def before_mix_compile(env)
  def after_mix_compile(env)

  def before_mix_digest(env)
  def after_mix_digest(env)

  def before_mix_release(env)
  def after_mix_release(env)

  def before_make_deploy_dir(env)
  def after_make_deploy_dir(env)

  def before_copy_release_to_deploy(env)
  def after_copy_release_to_deploy(env)

  def before_expand_release(env)
  def after_expand_release(env)

  def before_install_init_script(env)
  def after_install_init_script(env)

  def before_mix_ecto_setup(env)
  def after_mix_ecto_setup(env)

  def before_start_service(env)
  def after_start_service(env)

  def before_configure_nginx(env)
  def after_configure_nginx(env)



__Note:__ the `env` is passed to every function. It is a READ only struct you can use. Returning `env` from a callback function will have no effect on the rest of the deployment process. [Here](/env.example.exs) is an example of the `env` that is passed in.

### Gatling.Tasks.Upgrade

In your project root, create a file called `upgrade.ex`. Define any of the following functions to to wrap the Gatling upgrade actions:

defmodule SampleProject.UpgradeCallbacks do

  def before_mix_deps_get(env)
  def after_mix_deps_get(env)

  def before_mix_compile(env)
  def after_mix_compile(env)

  def before_mix_digest(env)
  def after_mix_digest(env)

  def before_mix_release(env)
  def after_mix_release(env)

  def before_make_upgrade_dir(env)
  def after_make_upgrade_dir(env)

  def before_copy_release_to_upgrade(env)
  def after_copy_release_to_upgrade(env)

  def before_upgrade_service(env)
  def after_upgrade_service(env)


__Note:__ the `env` is passed to every function. It is a READ only struct you can use. Returning `env` from a callback function will have no effect on the rest of the upgrade process. [Here](/env.example.exs) is an example of the `env` that is passed in.

#### System Commands in your callbacks.

While implementing your callback funtions. If you are going to use `System.cmd/3`, use `bash/3` instead to get some prettier and more transparent outputs

#### Example
Say I want to install wget before my dependencies are installed in the `deploy` task.
I would create a file in my project called `./deploy.ex` with the following:

defmodule SampleProject.DeployCallbacks do

  def before_mix_deps_get(_env) do
    bash("sudo", ~w[apt-get install wget]


And that's it. That function will be called right before `mix deps get`

### Development

$ git clone
$ cd gatling
$ mix deps.get

### About

[![Hashrocket logo](](

Gatling is supported by the team at [Hashrocket, a
multidisciplinary design and development consultancy]( If you'd like to [work with
us]( or [join our
team](, don't hesitate to get in touch.