# Gdrive

[Online document](

## Installation

1. [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
   by adding `gdrive` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:gdrive, "~> 0.1.0"}

2. Create or select a project at [Google Drive API enabler wizard]( Click **Continue**. Click **Go to credentials**.

3. Select **Other non-UI** > Click **Application data** > Click **No, I have not used.** > Click **Required credentials**.

4. Input **Service account name**, Select **Porject - Owner**. Click **next**, Start download JSON automatically. Rename it to **client_secret.json** and move to **config** folder.

5. Click **Manage service accounts** > Edit service account > Click **Enable G Suite domain wide delegation** > **Save**.

6. Browse **Google Drive** > select any folder > share with **service account id**(like

7. Add to your `config.exs` file:

config :goth,
  json: "./config/client_secret.json" |>!

## Usage

### 1. Basic usage

Gdrive wrap basic Files api with:

* create files
* create folder
* list
* get files
* upload files
* update, copy, delete file/folder

{status, file_info} = Gdrive.upload("/user/my_folder/file.txt", name: "first-file.txt")

### 2. Advance

You can make a request with `Gdrive.Api.File` which support all params

# grab google token
{_, token} = Goth.Token.for_scope(",,")
# init new connection
connection =

# send request
{status, data} = Gdrive.Api.File.create(connection, name: "empty.txt", mimeType: "text/plain")

[Online document](