# gemqtt
At the time of writing (March 19th, 2024), this package is stuck on emqtt
version 1.2 due to a [dependency
issue](https://github.com/jhillyerd/gemqtt/issues/21). That version of the
underlying [emqtt library](https://github.com/emqx/emqtt) only works with Erlang
OTP version 25.x, not 26+.
## Usage
gleam add gleam_erlang
gleam add gemqtt
import gemqtt
import gemqtt/publisher
import gemqtt/subscriber
import gleam/bit_array
import gleam/erlang/process
import gleam/io
pub fn main() {
let topic = "gemqtt/readme/example"
// Create a client and connect to the test server.
let assert Ok(client) =
|> gemqtt.start_link
let assert Ok(_) = gemqtt.connect(client)
// Subscribe to messages from the topic.
let assert Ok(_) =
|> subscriber.new
|> subscriber.add(topics: [topic])
// Publish a test message to the topic.
let assert Ok(_) =
publisher.new(client, topic)
|> publisher.publish(bit_array.from_string("Hello from Gleam!"))
io.println("Sent message.")
// Attempt to receive a message from the topic.
let assert Ok(got_msg) =
|> subscriber.selecting_mqtt_messages(Ok)
|> process.select_forever
io.println("Received message:")
let assert Ok(_) = subscriber.remove(client, [topic])
let assert Ok(_) = gemqtt.disconnect(client)
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/gemqtt>.
## Development
gleam test # Run the tests
gleam shell # Run an Erlang shell