# gen_ircclient
###### A scaffold for Erlang IRC bots.

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## IRC Client Behaviour

To implement an IRC bot with `gen_ircclient` the following four callback functions need to be implemented:

- `init/1` initializes the bot's state
- `handle_privmsg/4` defines the reaction to a given message.
- `handle_join/2` defines the reaction to the joining of a new user.
- `handle_part/2` handles the leaving of a user.

### init

-callback init( Arg :: _ ) -> State :: _.

### handle_privmsg

-callback handle_privmsg( Mode :: private | public, Sender :: string(), Content :: string(), State :: _ ) ->
              {noreply, NewState :: _}
            | {reply, Reply :: string(), NewState :: _}
            | {spawn, F :: fun( () -> string() ), NewState :: _}.

### handle_join

-callback handle_join( User :: string(), State :: _ ) -> _.

### handle_part

-callback handle_part( User :: string(), State :: _ ) -> _.

## Example Bot

-module( example_bot ).

-export( [init/1, handle_privmsg/4, handle_join/2, handle_part/2] ).

init( _Arg ) ->

handle_privmsg( public, _Sender, "hello", State ) ->
  {reply, "Hi there.", State};

handle_privmsg( private, _Sender, "hello", State ) ->
  {reply, "Psst!", State};

handle_privmsg( _, _, _, State ) ->
  {noreply, State}.

handle_join( _User, State ) ->

handle_part( _User, State ) ->

## Usage

Server   = "",
Port     = 6667,
NickName = "adam0815",
UserName = "adam",
RealName = "Adam Canopy".

ConnInfo = {conn_info, Server, Port, NickName, UserName, RealName},
Channel = "#botwar",
UsrMod  = example_bot.

gen_ircclient:start_link( ConnInfo, Channel, UsrMod, [] ).

## System Requirements

- [Erlang]( OTP 18.0 or higher
- [Rebar3]( 3.0.0 or higher

## Authors

- Jörgen Brandt ([@joergen7]( [](

## License

[Apache 2.0](