# codegen: do not edit
defmodule GenLSP.Notifications.WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration do
@moduledoc """
The configuration change notification is sent from the client to the server
when the client's configuration has changed. The notification contains
the changed configuration as defined by the language client.
Message Direction: clientToServer
import Schematic, warn: false
use TypedStruct
@derive Jason.Encoder
typedstruct do
field :method, String.t(), default: "workspace/didChangeConfiguration"
field :jsonrpc, String.t(), default: "2.0"
field :params, GenLSP.Structures.DidChangeConfigurationParams.t()
@doc false
@spec schematic() :: Schematic.t()
def schematic() do
schema(__MODULE__, %{
method: "workspace/didChangeConfiguration",
jsonrpc: "2.0",
params: GenLSP.Structures.DidChangeConfigurationParams.schematic()