# codegen: do not edit
defmodule GenLSP.Structures.DocumentSymbol do
@moduledoc """
Represents programming constructs like variables, classes, interfaces etc.
that appear in a document. Document symbols can be hierarchical and they
have two ranges: one that encloses its definition and one that points to
its most interesting range, e.g. the range of an identifier.
import Schematic, warn: false
use TypedStruct
@doc """
## Fields
* name: The name of this symbol. Will be displayed in the user interface and therefore must not be
an empty string or a string only consisting of white spaces.
* detail: More detail for this symbol, e.g the signature of a function.
* kind: The kind of this symbol.
* tags: Tags for this document symbol.
@since 3.16.0
* deprecated: Indicates if this symbol is deprecated.
@deprecated Use tags instead
* range: The range enclosing this symbol not including leading/trailing whitespace but everything else
like comments. This information is typically used to determine if the clients cursor is
inside the symbol to reveal in the symbol in the UI.
* selection_range: The range that should be selected and revealed when this symbol is being picked, e.g the name of a function.
Must be contained by the `range`.
* children: Children of this symbol, e.g. properties of a class.
@derive Jason.Encoder
typedstruct do
field :name, String.t(), enforce: true
field :detail, String.t()
field :kind, GenLSP.Enumerations.SymbolKind.t(), enforce: true
field :tags, list(GenLSP.Enumerations.SymbolTag.t())
field :deprecated, boolean()
field :range, GenLSP.Structures.Range.t(), enforce: true
field :selection_range, GenLSP.Structures.Range.t(), enforce: true
field :children, list(GenLSP.Structures.DocumentSymbol.t())
@doc false
@spec schematic() :: Schematic.t()
def schematic() do
schema(__MODULE__, %{
{"name", :name} => str(),
optional({"detail", :detail}) => str(),
{"kind", :kind} => GenLSP.Enumerations.SymbolKind.schematic(),
optional({"tags", :tags}) => list(GenLSP.Enumerations.SymbolTag.schematic()),
optional({"deprecated", :deprecated}) => bool(),
{"range", :range} => GenLSP.Structures.Range.schematic(),
{"selectionRange", :selection_range} => GenLSP.Structures.Range.schematic(),
optional({"children", :children}) => list({__MODULE__, :schematic, []})