# codegen: do not edit
defmodule GenLSP.Structures.InlayHintParams do
@moduledoc """
A parameter literal used in inlay hint requests.
@since 3.17.0
import Schematic, warn: false
use TypedStruct
@doc """
## Fields
* text_document: The text document.
* range: The document range for which inlay hints should be computed.
* work_done_token: An optional token that a server can use to report work done progress.
@derive Jason.Encoder
typedstruct do
field :text_document, GenLSP.Structures.TextDocumentIdentifier.t(), enforce: true
field :range, GenLSP.Structures.Range.t(), enforce: true
field :work_done_token, GenLSP.TypeAlias.ProgressToken.t()
@doc false
@spec schematic() :: Schematic.t()
def schematic() do
schema(__MODULE__, %{
{"textDocument", :text_document} => GenLSP.Structures.TextDocumentIdentifier.schematic(),
{"range", :range} => GenLSP.Structures.Range.schematic(),
optional({"workDoneToken", :work_done_token}) => GenLSP.TypeAlias.ProgressToken.schematic()