# codegen: do not edit
defmodule GenLSP.Structures.TextDocumentItem do
@moduledoc """
An item to transfer a text document from the client to the
import Schematic, warn: false
use TypedStruct
@doc """
## Fields
* uri: The text document's uri.
* language_id: The text document's language identifier.
* version: The version number of this document (it will increase after each
change, including undo/redo).
* text: The content of the opened text document.
@derive Jason.Encoder
typedstruct do
field :uri, GenLSP.BaseTypes.document_uri(), enforce: true
field :language_id, String.t(), enforce: true
field :version, integer(), enforce: true
field :text, String.t(), enforce: true
@doc false
@spec schematic() :: Schematic.t()
def schematic() do
schema(__MODULE__, %{
{"uri", :uri} => str(),
{"languageId", :language_id} => str(),
{"version", :version} => int(),
{"text", :text} => str()