# codegen: do not edit
defmodule GenLSP.Structures.DidChangeWatchedFilesClientCapabilities do
import Schematic, warn: false
use TypedStruct
@doc """
## Fields
* dynamic_registration: Did change watched files notification supports dynamic registration. Please note
that the current protocol doesn't support static configuration for file changes
from the server side.
* relative_pattern_support: Whether the client has support for {@link RelativePattern relative pattern}
or not.
@since 3.17.0
@derive Jason.Encoder
typedstruct do
field :dynamic_registration, boolean()
field :relative_pattern_support, boolean()
@doc false
@spec schematic() :: Schematic.t()
def schematic() do
schema(__MODULE__, %{
optional({"dynamicRegistration", :dynamic_registration}) => bool(),
optional({"relativePatternSupport", :relative_pattern_support}) => bool()