# GenRetry
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GenRetry provides utilities for retrying Elixir functions,
with configurable delay and backoff characteristics.
## Examples
my_background_function = fn ->
:ok = try_to_send_tps_reports()
GenRetry.retry(my_background_function, retries: 10, delay: 10_000)
my_future_function = fn ->
{:ok, val} = get_val_from_flaky_network_service()
t = GenRetry.Task.async(my_future_function, retries: 3)
my_val = Task.await(t) # may raise exception
## [Full Documentation](http://hexdocs.pm/gen_retry/GenRetry.html)
[Full gen_retry documentation is available on
## Changelog and Contributors
[CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) is a record of contributions and
releases. Thanks so much to everyone who's submitted patches!
## Authorship and License
GenRetry is copyright 2016-2021 Appcues, Inc.
GenRetry is released under the [MIT License](LICENSE.txt).