# Dino LiveView Boilerplate

> An opinionated template to create phoenix apps, using live view and tailwind.

## Prerequisites

You'll need to install the `mix_templates` and `mix_generator` packages by Dave Thomas
* [mix_templates](
* [mix_generator](
* [screencast](

mix archive.install hex mix_templates
mix archive.install hex mix_generator

## Install

Install the gen_template_dino_live_view using the following command:

mix template.install hex gen_template_dino_live_view

## Usage

mix gen gen_template_dino_live_view project

Then go to into the `project` created and execute the following commands:

cd project
mix deps.get # get elixir dependencies
cd assets 
yarn # install assets if you prefer npm just run; npm install
cd - # go back to the project root directory
iex -S mix phx.server # start the server

Please note you can easy remove the Example LiveView:

* lib/`project`_web/live/example.ex `remove this file`
* lib/`project`_web/templates/layout/app.html.eex `remove the line with the pattern <%= *Web.Live.Example %>`

Remember replace `project` with the name of your `project`.

Created:  2019-09-22
Updated: 2020-02-16 - upgraded to Phoenix 1.7.x and tailwind 1.2