# PhxLiveView

> A Phoenix Live View DashBoard Kickstarter. Basically a fresh Phoenix project without ecto and with live view fully setup. It also includes material-bootstrap for some dashboard theming.

## Prerequisites

You'll need to install the `mix_templates` and `mix_generator` packages by Dave Thomas

mix archive.install hex mix_templates
mix archive.install hex mix_generator

## Install

Install this template:

mix template.install hex gen_template_phx_live_view_dashboard

## Usage

Then create your project:
mix gen phx_live_view_dashboard MyAwesomeLiveViewProject

After this cd into the project directory and:
mix deps.get
cd assets && yarn

## Fire it up

mix phx.server

There is an example clock on the homepage that is implemented in `lib/your_project_web/live/clock.ex`