
defprotocol GenAIProtocol do

  @doc """
  Specify a specific model or model picker.

  This function allows you to define the model to be used for inference. You can either provide a specific model, like `Model.smartest()`, or a model picker function that dynamically selects the best model based on the context and available providers.

  * `Model.smartest()` - This will select the "smartest" available model at inference time, based on factors like performance and capabilities.
  * `Model.cheapest(params: :best_effort)` - This will select the cheapest available model that can handle the given parameters and context size.
  * `CustomProvider.custom_model` - This allows you to use a custom model from a user-defined provider.
  def with_model(context, model)

  def with_tool(context, tool)
  def with_tools(context, tools)

  @doc """
  Specify an API key for a provider.
  def with_api_key(context, provider, api_key)

  @doc """
  Specify an API org for a provider.
  def with_api_org(context, provider, api_org)

  @doc """
  Set a hyperparameter option.

  Some options are model-specific. The value can be a literal or a picker function that dynamically determines the best value based on the context and model.

  * `Parameter.required(name, value)` - This sets a required parameter with the specified name and value.
  * `Gemini.best_temperature_for(:chain_of_thought)` - This uses a picker function to determine the best temperature for the Gemini provider when using the "chain of thought" prompting technique.
  def with_setting(context, setting, value)

  def with_safety_setting(context, safety_setting, threshold)

  @doc """
  Add a message to the conversation.
  def with_message(context, message)

  @doc """
  Add a list of messages to the conversation.
  def with_messages(context, messages)

  @doc """
  Start inference using a streaming handler.

  If the selected model does not support streaming, the handler will be called with the final inference result.
  def stream(context, handler)

  @doc """
  Run inference.

  This function performs the following steps:
  * Picks the appropriate model and hyperparameters based on the provided context and settings.
  * Performs any necessary pre-processing, such as RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) or message consolidation.
  * Runs inference on the selected model with the prepared input.
  * Returns the inference result.
  def run(context)

defmodule GenAI.RequestError do
  defexception [:message]

defmodule GenAI do

  @doc """
  Creates a new chat context.
  def chat() do

  # Delegate function calls to the GenAIProtocol implementation for the current context.
  defdelegate with_model(context, model), to: GenAIProtocol
  defdelegate with_tool(context, tool), to: GenAIProtocol
  defdelegate with_tools(context, tools), to: GenAIProtocol
  defdelegate with_api_key(context, provider, api_key), to: GenAIProtocol
  defdelegate with_api_org(context, provider, api_org), to: GenAIProtocol
  defdelegate with_setting(context, setting, value), to: GenAIProtocol
  defdelegate with_safety_setting(context, safety_setting, threshold), to: GenAIProtocol
  defdelegate with_message(context, message), to: GenAIProtocol
  defdelegate with_messages(context, messages), to: GenAIProtocol
  defdelegate stream(context, handler), to: GenAIProtocol
  defdelegate run(context), to: GenAIProtocol
