# Gentry
**Because failures are a royal pain.**
Use Gentry to run tasks with a configurable retry and backoff period.
Gentry will try each task, given as a function. If it fails, Gentry will
retry the task `retries` number of times. The defalt value for `retries`
is `5`.
Before running the task after it fails, Gentry will use the configured
`retry_backoff` value as milliseconds. The default value for
`retry_backoff` is `5000`.
The computed backoff for each retry is exponentially doubled:
# something like this ...
retry_backoff() * :math.pow(2, retries() - retries_remaining())
So the time between the first _try_ and the first _retry_ is:
5000 * :math.pow(2, 5 - 5)
=> 5000 * :math.pow(2, 0)
=> 5000 * 1
=> 5000
The time between the first retry and the second retry is twice the
`retry_backoff` time, etc.
## Installation
1. Add `gentry` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:gentry, "~> 0.1"}]
2. If you're using Elixir 1.3, ensure `gentry` is started with your application:
def application do
[applications: [:logger, :gentry]]
3. Configure the Gentry supervisor:
# ...
children = [
# ...
supervisor(Gentry.Supervisor, []),
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
# config.exs
config :gentry,
retries: 5,
retry_backoff: 5_000 # milliseconds
## Usage
### `Gentry`
Use the `Gentry` module for easy, synchronous calls with retries.
case Gentry.run_task(fn -> write_to_database(changeset) end) do
{:ok, _result} ->
Logger.debug "Successfully processed changeset: #{inspect changeset}"
{:error, error} ->
Logger.debug "Failed to process changeset: #{inspect changeset}, because: #{inspect error}"
### Asynchronous Operation
From within a `GenServer`, start a new task by running:
{:ok, pid} = Gentry.WorkerSupervisor.start_worker(f, self())
Then handle the result:
def handle_info({:gentry, pid, :ok, result}, state) do
Logger.debug "Received success from child: #{inspect pid} with result: #{inspect result}"
{:noreply, state}
def handle_info({:gentry, pid, :error, error}, state) do
Logger.debug "Received error from child: #{inspect pid}"
{:noreply, state}
def handle_info({:gentry, pid, :retry, remaining}, state) do
Logger.debug "Received retry notification from child: #{inspect pid}, #{remaining} tries remaining"
{:noreply, state}
### Failures
For Gentry, a failure is either:
* A task that has exited abormally (see the description [here](https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Task.Supervisor.html#async_nolink/2))
* A task that returns a value not matching either `:ok` or `{:ok, _}`
## Limitations
### Backoff
Gentry only supports exponential doubling for its backoff algorithm.
### Naming
Gentry uses a fixed naming scheme, so multiple instances of the Gentry
supervisor is not possible. However, any number of concurrent tasks may
be run.