# Geo Sensors Gateway
> Receive and redistribute data from vehicle geolocation sensors.
Prototyping project to receive data from remote Ercogener Genloc sensors.
Try to receive data from TCP:
* not message-based, but we can presume that one connection = one message;
* how to secure the channel and protect from fake-data?
* very light still reliable.
Try to receive data from SMTP:
* certainly can put a password;
* clearly message-based;
* still light;
* maybe difficult if we got a lot of sensors on the gateway.
Do a server prototype on Erlang, so we really begin to construct reliable
pieces of network and messaging software.
An OTP application
# Installation
## Install Erlang
Erlang Solutions provides a great Erlang builds for many platforms.
Refer to their download page: https://packages.erlang-solutions.com/erlang/
To control the build process, you can also use [kerl](https://github.com/kerl/kerl).
### Example for Debian
Recommended method: install from repository.
wget https://packages.erlang-solutions.com/erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb
Then install the complete distribution:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install esl-erlang
## Install Rebar3
See [official installation instructions](https://www.rebar3.org/docs/getting-started#section-installing-binary).
The easiest is to download the latest binary build of Rebar3, place in a directory
and add it to your path.
# These instructions are only provided as example: please refer to official instructions.
# This is a system-wide install.
sudo wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/rebar3/rebar3 -O /usr/bin/rebar3
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/rebar3
# Use it
## Create a configuration file
You can use your configuration file from a sample to get started rapidly.
cp ./priv/conf/configuration.sample.json ./priv/conf/configuration.json
## Build
$ make compile
## Test
$ make test
Only compatible with Erlang OTP 20+.
% TODO Use error_logger:info_msg("") for logging
--> Use a logging facility and be able to configure it to stdout or file,
with a defined verbosity. (let message dump in stdout only in debug)
TODO Put examples in /doc/examples cf http://erlang.org/doc/design_principles/applications.html
TODO Add unit test for:
* Auth
* Username does not match
* Plain, Login, cram-md5
* FROM filtering
* Json user loading
* Missing password, email
* Mail parsing
* Invalid mail
* Sensor not managed
* Valid mail for Ercogener GenLoc
TODO Forwarder examples:
* dumping (raw and parsed);
* to a list of mails;
* to a Google Sheet;
* to https://www.mapbox.com/api-documentation/#datasets
* POST to custom API endpoint
* Maybe think of another way to archive systematically any file.
* ---> To AWS s3?
* Create sample forwarders for that.
* So we can recover any data when we need.
* Gateway reporting: add a statistics service
* Report to Slack or mails the number of payloads forwarder in a day, week, etc.
* Manage that in the application level? (Geo-service storage API?)