# Geo.Turf
A spatial analysis tool for Elixir's [Geo]( library ported from [TurfJS](
## Installation
*At the moment the library is in early development mode. The API could, and propably will, change on any moment.*
def deps do
{:geo_turf, "~> 0.1"}
## Usage
The library can perform functions on [Geo]( objects as well as basic mathematic functions useful in spatial analysis. At the moment Geo.Turf expects WGS84 coordinates.
For example:
* `Geo.Turf.Measure.along/3`: Make a `%Geo.Point{}` at a definded distance from the start of a `%Geo.LineString{}` .
* `Geo.Turf.Measure.along_midpoint/1`: Make a `%Geo.Point{}` at a the middle of a `%Geo.LineString{}` .
* ``: Makes a `%Geo.Point{}` at the center of a Feature.
* `Geo.Turf.Measure.close_to/4`: Check if 2 `%Geo.Point{}` items are close to each other.
* `Geo.Turf.Measure.distance/3`: Check the distance between 2 `%Geo.Point{}` items.
* `Geo.Turf.Measure.length_of/2`: Gives the length of a `%Geo.LineString{}` or the circumference of a `%Geo.Polygon{}`
## Suggestions
If there are functions you need from [TurfJS]( or just things you thought of please just make an issue for it. Including a test for it would be great.