# Geocodex
A Google Geocoding API wrapper written in Elixir

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add `geocodex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:geocodex, "~> 0.1.0"}]

  2. Ensure `httpoison` is started before your application:

    def application do
      [applications: [:httpoison]]

## Usage

iex> Geocodex.set_api_key("YOUR API KEY")
iex> Geocodex.place_id("ChIJrTLr-GyuEmsRBfy61i59si0")
%{"results" => [%{"address_components" => [%{"long_name" => "Sydney",
        "short_name" => "Sydney",
        "types" => ["locality", "political"]},
      %{"long_name" => "New South Wales", "short_name" => "NSW",
        "types" => ["administrative_area_level_1", "political"]},
      %{"long_name" => "Australia", "short_name" => "AU",
        "types" => ["country", "political"]},
      %{"long_name" => "2000", "short_name" => "2000",
        "types" => ["postal_code"]}],
    "formatted_address" => "32 The Promenade, King Street Wharf 5, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia",
    "geometry" => %{"location" => %{"lat" => -33.867591,
        "lng" => 151.201196}, "location_type" => "APPROXIMATE",
      "viewport" => %{"northeast" => %{"lat" => -33.86624201970849,
          "lng" => 151.2025449802915},
        "southwest" => %{"lat" => -33.86893998029149,
          "lng" => 151.1998470197085}}},
    "place_id" => "ChIJrTLr-GyuEmsRBfy61i59si0",
    "types" => ["establishment", "food", "point_of_interest",
      "restaurant", "travel_agency"]}], "status" => "OK"}

## Running locally

Clone the repository
git clone

Install dependencies
cd geocodex
mix deps.get

To run the tests
mix test

To run the lint
mix credo