**Geocoding does not rely on any external API**.
It relies on an internal (huge) database of 165,602 coordinates corresponding to cities of more than 500 inhabitants (see `Data sources` for more details).

## Compile, test and try


rebar compile

rebar eunit

> erl -pa _build/default/lib/geocoding/ebin/ 
Erlang/OTP 23 [erts-11.1.8] [source] [64-bit] [smp:12:12] [ds:12:12:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe] [dtrace]

Eshell V11.1.8  (abort with ^G)
1> application:start(geocoding).

2> geocoding:reverse(48.857929, 2.346707).

3> geocoding:distance({48.857929, 2.346707}, {40.7630463, -73.973527}).

4> geocoding:lookup('FR', <<"paris">>).

`geocoding:reverse/2` returns the geoname id, continent name, country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2),
city name, distance between city center and provided coordinates.

## Installation

Erlang (`rebar3`):
{deps, [
  {geocoding, "0.4.0"}}

Elixir (`mix`):
defp deps do
    {:geocoding, "~> 0.4.0"}

## Database rebuilding

An escript allows to rebuild your `cities.txt` data from geonames. It will fetch the last version of ``, unzip it, filter out city with too low population, and build continent name. It will generate a `` file. Existing `citiers.txt` will not be erased.

> ./scripts/cities_builder.escript

If you want to replace your `cities.txt`, add `--replace` parameter. Old `cities.txt` will be renamed to `cities.txt.old`.

> ./scripts/cities_builder.escript --replace

## Technical information

### Algorithm

Reverse geocoding is done thanks to a k-d tree algorithm. We use Martin F. Krafft implementation. Original source code is here: . It is embeded in an erlang driver.

From latitude/longitude coordinates, geocoding finds the nearest point in our locations database. Associated data are returned, as well as a distance between provided coordinates and real coordinates. Since reverse geocoding relies only on coordinates, strange behaviour may occured when a big city is near a small one: a point inside the big city and near its border may be associated to the small city because the small city coordinates will be nearest than the big city coordinates.

### Data sources

All locations data come from database ( - 2024-12-05):
- Locations without population have been excluded.
- PPLX (section of populated places) and PPLA5 (seat of a fifth-order administrative division) have been excluded.
- Fields have been reduced to: geonameId, latitude, longitude, country code (ISO-3166), standard name.
A 6th fields have been added between longitude and country code: continent.
Each field is separated by a tabulation.

2988507 48.85341        2.3488  europe  FR      Paris

Each location is associated to one of the following continents:
- africa (africa and islands nearby like Madagascar, Canary, La Réunion...)
- antarctica (only one country)
- asia (including russian cities after Ural Mountains)
- europe (including russian cities before Ural Mountains)
- oceania (including Australia continent and pacific islands)
- north america
- south america

Missing locations may be added on request.