# GeoMeasure
A collection of functions calculating different properties of [Geo](https://github.com/felt/geo/tree/master) structs.
Currently, this project supports only the following geometries:
- Point
- LineString
- Polygon
Currently, the following properties can be calculated for the supported [Geo](https://github.com/felt/geo/tree/master) structs:
- Area
- Bounding box
- Centroid
- Distance (between two coordinate pairs or Geo.Point structs)
- Extent
- Perimeter
_Note_: If you would like to make in-memory calculations to determine the relationship between two Geo structs, please check out [topo](https://github.com/pkinney/topo).
defp deps do
{:geomeasure, "~> 0.0.1"}
## Examples
Each function can be called through their module, such as `GeoMeasure.Area.area` or `GeoMeasure.Perimeter.perimeter`. Alternatively, as a convenience, delegates have been implemented from the main `GeoMeasure` module, enabling shortened calls, such as `GeoMeasure.area` or `GeoMeasure.perimeter`.
### Area
Calling through the `GeoMeasure.Area` module:
iex(1)> GeoMeasure.Area.area(%Geo.Point{coordinates: {1, 2}})
iex(2)> GeoMeasure.Area.area(%Geo.LineString{coordinates: [{1, 2}, {3, 4}]})
iex(3)> GeoMeasure.Area.area(%Geo.Polygon{coordinates: [[{0, 0}, {0, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 0}, {0, 0}]]})
Calling through the `GeoMeasure` module:
iex(1)> GeoMeasure.area(%Geo.Point{coordinates: {1, 2}})
iex(2)> GeoMeasure.area(%Geo.LineString{coordinates: [{1, 2}, {3, 4}]})
iex(3)> GeoMeasure.area(%Geo.Polygon{coordinates: [[{0, 0}, {0, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 0}, {0, 0}]]})
### Bounding Box
Calling through the `GeoMeasure.Bbox` module:
iex(1)> GeoMeasure.Bbox.bbox(%Geo.Point{coordinates: {1, 2}})
%Geo.Point{coordinates: {1, 2}, srid: nil, properties: %{}}
iex(2)> GeoMeasure.Bbox.bbox(%Geo.LineString{coordinates: [{1, 2}, {3, 4}]})
coordinates: [[{1, 2}, {1, 4}, {3, 4}, {3, 2}, {1, 2}]],
srid: nil,
properties: %{}
iex(3)> GeoMeasure.Bbox.bbox(%Geo.Polygon{coordinates: [[{0, 0}, {0, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 0}, {0, 0}]]})
coordinates: [[{0, 0}, {0, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 0}, {0, 0}]],
srid: nil,
properties: %{}
Calling through the `GeoMeasure` module:
iex(1)> GeoMeasure.bbox(%Geo.Point{coordinates: {1, 2}})
%Geo.Point{coordinates: {1, 2}, srid: nil, properties: %{}}
iex(2)> GeoMeasure.bbox(%Geo.LineString{coordinates: [{1, 2}, {3, 4}]})
coordinates: [[{1, 2}, {1, 4}, {3, 4}, {3, 2}, {1, 2}]],
srid: nil,
properties: %{}
iex(3)> GeoMeasure.bbox(%Geo.Polygon{coordinates: [[{0, 0}, {0, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 0}, {0, 0}]]})
coordinates: [[{0, 0}, {0, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 0}, {0, 0}]],
srid: nil,
properties: %{}
### Centroid
Calling through the `GeoMeasure.Centroid` module:
iex(1)> GeoMeasure.Centroid.centroid(%Geo.Point{coordinates: {1, 2}})
%Geo.Point{coordinates: {1, 2}, srid: nil, properties: %{}}
iex(2)> GeoMeasure.Centroid.centroid(%Geo.LineString{coordinates: [{1, 2}, {3, 4}]})
%Geo.Point{coordinates: {2.0, 3.0}, srid: nil, properties: %{}}
iex(3)> GeoMeasure.Centroid.centroid(%Geo.Polygon{coordinates: [[{0, 0}, {0, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 0}, {0, 0}]]})
%Geo.Point{coordinates: {1.0, 1.0}, srid: nil, properties: %{}}
Calling through the `GeoMeasure` module:
iex(1)> GeoMeasure.centroid(%Geo.Point{coordinates: {1, 2}})
%Geo.Point{coordinates: {1, 2}, srid: nil, properties: %{}}
iex(2)> GeoMeasure.centroid(%Geo.LineString{coordinates: [{1, 2}, {3, 4}]})
%Geo.Point{coordinates: {2.0, 3.0}, srid: nil, properties: %{}}
iex(3)> GeoMeasure.centroid(%Geo.Polygon{coordinates: [[{0, 0}, {0, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 0}, {0, 0}]]})
%Geo.Point{coordinates: {1.0, 1.0}, srid: nil, properties: %{}}
### Distance
Calling through the `GeoMeasure.Distance` module:
iex(1)> GeoMeasure.Distance.distance({0, 0}, {5, 0})
iex(2)> GeoMeasure.Distance.distance({0, 0}, {3, 4})
iex(3)> GeoMeasure.Distance.distance(%Geo.Point{coordinates: {0, 0}}, %Geo.Point{coordinates: {3, 4}})
Calling through the `GeoMeasure` module:
iex(1)> GeoMeasure.distance({0, 0}, {5, 0})
iex(2)> GeoMeasure.distance({0, 0}, {3, 4})
iex(3)> GeoMeasure.distance(%Geo.Point{coordinates: {0, 0}}, %Geo.Point{coordinates: {3, 4}})
### Extent
Calling through the `GeoMeasure.Extent` module:
iex(1)> GeoMeasure.Extent.extent(%Geo.Point{coordinates: {1, 2}})
iex(2)> GeoMeasure.Extent.extent(%Geo.LineString{coordinates: [{1, 2}, {3, 4}]})
{1, 3, 2, 4}
iex(3)> GeoMeasure.Extent.extent(%Geo.Polygon{coordinates: [[{0, 0}, {0, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 0}, {0, 0}]]})
{0, 2, 0, 2}
Calling through the `GeoMeasure` module:
iex(1)> GeoMeasure.extent(%Geo.Point{coordinates: {1, 2}})
iex(2)> GeoMeasure.extent(%Geo.LineString{coordinates: [{1, 2}, {3, 4}]})
{1, 3, 2, 4}
iex(3)> GeoMeasure.extent(%Geo.Polygon{coordinates: [[{0, 0}, {0, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 0}, {0, 0}]]})
{0, 2, 0, 2}
### Perimeter
Calling through the `GeoMeasure.Perimeter` module:
iex(1)> GeoMeasure.Perimeter.perimeter(%Geo.Point{coordinates: {1, 2}})
iex(2)> GeoMeasure.Perimeter.perimeter(%Geo.LineString{coordinates: [{1, 2}, {3, 4}]})
iex(3)> GeoMeasure.Perimeter.perimeter(%Geo.Polygon{coordinates: [[{0, 0}, {0, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 0}, {0, 0}]]})
Calling through the `GeoMeasure` module:
iex(1)> GeoMeasure.perimeter(%Geo.Point{coordinates: {1, 2}})
iex(2)> GeoMeasure.perimeter(%Geo.LineString{coordinates: [{1, 2}, {3, 4}]})
iex(3)> GeoMeasure.perimeter(%Geo.Polygon{coordinates: [[{0, 0}, {0, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 0}, {0, 0}]]})
## Copyright and License
Copyright (c) 2024 simagyari
Released under the MIT License, which can be found in the repository's [LICENSE](https://github.com/simagyari/geomeasure/blob/main/LICENSE) file.