# GhostContent

An Elixir client for the Ghost publishing platform's Content API.

This package allows you to use Ghost as a headless CMS in your Elixir/Phoenix project.
Full documentation of the Ghost Content API is available at:

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `ghost_content` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ghost_content, "~> 0.1.0"}

Full documentation can be found at <>.

## Configuration

You'll need to configure ghost_content with your Ghost Content API host and key, as follows:

config :my_app, :ghost_content,
  host: "",
  api_key: "my-ghost-api-key

Consult the [Ghost Content API documentation]( for more information on creating an API key.

## Ghost Content Data Model

`ghost_content` defines three structures which mirror the 
core resources in the Ghost Content API:


Note that the Ghost Content API exposes both "posts" and "pages", but that these both use the same data model, `%GhostContent.Post{}`.

## Usage

Once configured, you can start making requests.  

All API requests take a `config`, which is created as follows:

config = GhostContent.config(:ghost_content)

### The API

Getting Posts:

GhostContent.get_post(config, post_id)
GhostContent.get_post_by_slug(config, slug_id)

Getting Pages:

GhostContent.get_page(config, page_id)
GhostContent.get_page_by_slug(config, slug_id)

Getting Authors:

GhostContent.get_author(config, author_id)
GhostContent.get_author_by_slug(config, slug_id)

Getting Tags:

GhostContent.get_tag(config, tag_id)
GhostContent.get_tag_by_slug(config, slug_id)

All API calls can be given options of `include` and `fields` to specify what exact data to return.  Here are some examples,
but consult the [Ghost Content API documentation]( for accepted values for each 
resource type:

GhostContent.get_posts(config, include: "authors,tags")
GhostContent.get_pages(config, include: "authors,tags")
GhostContent.get_authors(config, include: "count.posts")
GhostContent.get_tags(config, include: "count.posts")

GhostContent.get_posts(config, fields: "title,url")
GhostContent.get_pages(config, fields: "title,url")

All of the calls which return multiple resources (`get_posts`, `get_pages`, `get_tags`, and `get_authors`) 
can take options of `order`, `page`, `filter` and `limit`.
Once again, consult the [official documentation]( for exact details on using 
these options with the various resources.

GhostContent.get_posts(config, limit: "all")
GhostContent.get_pages(config, limit: "15", page: 2)
GhostContent.get_pages(config, filter: "tag:elixir)
GhostContent.get_pages(config, filter: "visibility:public)

### Response Format

The content API exposes two types of calls: those which return
a list of resources, and those which return a single resource.  They have a similar response format, except that calls returning a list include a `meta` map containing pagination data:

{:ok, %{meta: %{...}, posts: [...]}} = GhostContent.get_posts(config)

{:ok, %{posts: [...]}} = GhostContent.get_post(config, post_id)

# Meta-format:
  pagination: %{total: 1, next: nil, prev: nil, limit: 15, pages: 1, page: 1}

Note that calls returning a single resource still provide the data in 
a list of length 1.