# ghostex
Ghost blog client library for Elixir.
It's work in progress, so please do not use it.
This library only suppors `post` at the moment.
I have plans to develop a complete API, but for now it's limited.

# Requirements
- Ghost `admin api key`. Please create new one on `{YOUR GHOST API URL}/ghost/#/settings/integrations/new`.

# Install
Add `:ghostex` to your project deps:
def deps do
    # ...
    {:ghostex, "~> 0.1.1"},
    # ...

# Usage
    iex> admin_api_key = "d7f97d66265234665800be85170ae42:e4b59eaf9f4767e56f96753e0e6c91929dcb0284c2b101059bce954fd"
    iex> api_url = ""
    iex> {:ok, client} = Ghostex.Client.start_link [admin_api_key, api_url]
    iex> resp = client |>"hi there", "Wow, __here__", ["test", "api"])
See the docs for more information.