# Gigex 🎸

![A pleasant drawing of a sunburst bass guitar with violet, green and blue gradients](bass-guitar-drawing-640x480.png)

A scraper for gigs.

Currently supporting getting concerts from Songkick (
and Lido in ( Berlin.

# Installation

The package can be installed by adding gigex to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:gigex, "~> 0.1"}

# Usage

iex> Gigex.get() |> Enum.take(5)
     name: "Led Zeppelin",
     date: "2022-12-10",
     dotw: "Thursday",
     link: "",
     location: "SO36",
     infos: "15.00 € Abendkasse, 13.00 € Vorverkauf+ Geb , 11.00 € Early Bird+ Geb, Doors open: 20:00",
     datasource: "lido"
     name: "The Cure",
     date: "2022-12-09",
     dotw: "Friday",
     link: "",
     location: "Metropol",
     infos: "15.00 € Abendkasse, 9.00 € Vorverkauf+ Geb , 7.00 € Early Bird+ Geb, Doors open: 20:00"
     datasource: "songkick"
     name: "The all seeing I",
     date: "2022-12-12",
     dotw: "Sunday",
     link: "",
     location: "Earthsea",
     infos: "",
     datasource: "lido"
     name: "Kokoroko",
     date: "2022-12-14",
     dotw: "Wednesday",
     link: "",
     location: "Tangeri",
     infos: "Price: €51.00 – €72.00\n      Doors open: 20:00",
     datasource: "songkick"
     name: "Dave Brubeck",
     date: "2022-12-15",
     dotw: "Saturday",
     link: "",
     location: "Blue Note"
     infos: "Price: €25.00 – €32.50\n      Doors open: 20:00",
     datasource: "songkick"