# Giphy
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An Elixir wrapper around the [Giphy API](

## Installation

Add `giphy` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:giphy, "~> 0.1.1"}]

Docs can be found at [](

## Configuration

Set your [Giphy API key](

# config/config.exs
config :giphy, api_key: "API_KEY"

You can also read from the a system environment variable:

config :giphy, api_key: {:system, "GIPHY_API_KEY"}

See the [documentation]( for more details.

## Usage

iex>"ryan gosling", limit: 1)
 %Giphy.Page{count: 1,
  data: [%Giphy.GIF{bitly_gif_url: "",
    bitly_url: "", caption: nil, content_url: "",
    embed_url: "", id: "kj8RVuDxh4x7W",
    images: %{"downsized" => %{"height" => "282", "size" => "815916",
        "url" => "",
        "width" => "500"},
      "downsized_large" => %{"height" => "282", "size" => "815916",
        "url" => "",
        "width" => "500"},
      "downsized_medium" => %{"height" => "282", "size" => "815916",
        "url" => "",
        "width" => "500"},
      "downsized_small" => %{"mp4" => "",
        "mp4_size" => "108435"},
      "downsized_still" => %{"height" => "282", "size" => "34895",
        "url" => "",
        "width" => "500"},
      "fixed_height" => %{"height" => "200",
        "mp4" => "",
        "mp4_size" => "53787", "size" => "691026",
        "url" => "",
        "webp" => "",
        "webp_size" => "181166", "width" => "355"},
      "fixed_height_downsampled" => %{"height" => "200", "size" => "186087",
        "url" => "",
        "webp" => "",
        "webp_size" => "45472", "width" => "355"},
      "fixed_height_small" => %{"height" => "100",
        "mp4" => "",
        "mp4_size" => "21509", "size" => "231986",
        "url" => "",
        "webp" => "",
        "webp_size" => "74658", "width" => "177"},
      "fixed_height_small_still" => %{"height" => "100",
        "url" => "",
        "width" => "177"},
      "fixed_height_still" => %{"height" => "200",
        "url" => "",
        "width" => "355"},
      "fixed_width" => %{"height" => "113",
        "mp4" => "",
        "mp4_size" => "23726", "size" => "277260",
        "url" => "",
        "webp" => "",
        "webp_size" => "89376", "width" => "200"},
      "fixed_width_downsampled" => %{"height" => "113", "size" => "75018",
        "url" => "",
        "webp" => "",
        "webp_size" => "22302", "width" => "200"},
      "fixed_width_small" => %{"height" => "56",
        "mp4" => "",
        "mp4_size" => "10396", "size" => "86179",
        "url" => "",
        "webp" => "",
        "webp_size" => "37204", "width" => "100"},
      "fixed_width_small_still" => %{"height" => "56",
        "url" => "",
        "width" => "100"},
      "fixed_width_still" => %{"height" => "113",
        "url" => "",
        "width" => "200"},
      "looping" => %{"mp4" => ""},
      "original" => %{"frames" => "24", "height" => "282",
        "mp4" => "",
        "mp4_size" => "86577", "size" => "815916",
        "url" => "",
        "webp" => "",
        "webp_size" => "316792", "width" => "500"},
      "original_still" => %{"height" => "282",
        "url" => "",
        "width" => "500"},
      "preview" => %{"height" => "214",
        "mp4" => "",
        "mp4_size" => "45015", "width" => "380"},
      "preview_gif" => %{"height" => "69", "size" => "46680",
        "url" => "",
        "width" => "122"}}, import_datetime: ~N[2016-09-21 21:57:01],
    rating: "g", slug: "ryan-kj8RVuDxh4x7W",
    source: "",
    source_post_url: "",
    source_tld: "", trending_datetime: nil, type: "gif",
    url: "", username: ""}], offset: 0,
  total_count: 20990}}