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# GitHooks

Installs [git hooks]( that will run in your
Elixir project.

Any git hook type is supported, [check here the hooks

## Table of Contents

- [Installation](#installation)
  - [Backup](#backup-current-hooks)
  - [Automatic](#automatic-installation)
  - [Manual](#manual-installation)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Execution](#execution)
  - [Supported hooks](#supported-hooks)
  - [Automatic](#automatic-execution)
  - [Manual](#manual-execution)

## Installation

Add to dependencies:

def deps do
  [{:git_hooks, "~> 0.3.0", only: [:test, :dev], runtime: false}]

Then install and compile the dependencies:

mix deps.get && mix deps.compile

### Backup current hooks

This project will backup automatically your the hook files that are going to be

The backup files will have the file extension `.pre_git_hooks_backup`.

### Automatic installation

This library will install automatically the configured git hooks in your
`config.exs` file.

### Manual installation

You can manually install the configured git hooks at any time by running:

mix git_hooks.install

## Configuration

One or more git hooks can be configured, those hooks will be the ones
[installed](#installation) in your git project.

Currently there are supported two configuration options:

  * **tasks**: A list of the commands that will be executed when running a git hook
  * **verbose**: If true, the output of the mix tasks will be visible. This can be configured globally or per git hook.

config :git_hooks,
  verbose: true,
  hooks: [
    pre_commit: [
      tasks: [
        "mix format"
    pre_push: [
      verbose: false,
      tasks: [
        "mix dialyzer",
        "mix test",
        "echo 'success!'"

### Using a script file

It's possible configure a script file to run as a git hook:

config :git_hooks,
  verbose: true,
  hooks: [
    commit_msg: [
      tasks: [
        {:file, "./priv/test_script"}

The script file executed will receive the arguments from git, so you can use
them as you please.

## Removing a hook

When a git hook configuration is removed, the installed hook will automatically
delete it.

Any backup done at the moment will still be kept.

## Execution

### Automatic execution

The configured mix tasks will run automatically for each [git

### Manual execution

You can also run manually any configured git hook as well.

The following example will run the pre_commit configuration:

mix pre_commit

It is also possible to run all the configured hooks:

mix all