# GitHub

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The simplest Elixir client for GitHub [REST API v3](

## Contents

* [Usage](#usage)
  * [With App JWT token](#with-app-jwt-token)
  * [With OAuth access token](#with-oauth-access-token)
  * [Pagination](#pagination)
* [API Resouces](#api-resources)
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Testing](#testing)

## Usage

### With App JWT token

To authenticate with a GitHub App and make an API call by using a [JWT token](

iex> jwt_token = Github.Client.generate_jwt_token(app_id: 12345, private_key_filepath: "app.pem")

iex> github_client = %Github.Client{jwt_token: "jwt_token"}

iex> github_client |> Github.Apps.Installations.find!(67890)
  status: 200,
  headers: [...],
  body: %{"id" => 12345, ...},

### With OAuth access token

To get an access token, redirect a user to an authorize url:

def github(conn, _params) do
  authorize_url = Github.Oauth2.Client.authorize_url!(
    config: [client_id: "client_id", client_secret: "client_secret"],
    scope: "user:email"
  conn |> redirect(external: authorize_url)

If a user authorized a log in then GitHub will hit an application callback endpoint with a `code`:

def github_callback(conn, %{"code" => code}) do
  access_token = Github.Oauth2.Client.access_token!(
    config: [client_id: "client_id", client_secret: "client_secret"],
    params: [code: code]

  github_client = %Github.Client{access_token: access_token}

  %{"login" => login} = github_client |> Github.Users.find!() |> Map.fetch!(:body)
  [%{"email" => email} | _] = github_client |> Github.Users.Emails.list!() |> Map.fetch!(:body)

### Pagination

For pagination, the client has such functions as [Github.Client.fetch_more!](!/1) and [Github.Client.fetch_all!](!/1). Here is an example:

iex> github_client = %Github.Client{access_token: "access_token"}

iex> first_page = github_client |> Github.Users.Emails.list!(page: 1, per_page: 1)
  status: 200,
  headers: [...],
  body: [...],
  next_page: 2,
  last_page: 3,
  next_url: "",
  last_url: "",

iex> Github.Client.fetch_more!(first_page)
  status: 200,
  headers: [...],
  body: [...],
  next_page: 3,
  last_page: 3,
  next_url: "",
  last_url: "",

Please visit []( to find more code examples.

## API Resources

* [Apps](
  * [Installations](
* Git
  * [References](
* [Organizations](
* [Repositories](
  * [Commits](
  * [Contents](
  * [Statuses](
* [Pull Requests](
* [Users](
  * [Emails](

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `github` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:github, "~> 0.11.0"}

## Testing

mix deps.get
mix test