# GitHubWebhook
A fork from [gh_webhook_plug](https://github.com/emilsoman/gh_webhook_plug), with some additional functionality:
- deserializes the payload into an Elixir data structure
- pass along webhook headers in a keyword list
- updates for OTP functionality and updated Elixir conventions
- uses the `X-Hub-Signature-256` header for verification
- make sure that you have configured a secret for your webhook
## Usage
Inside a Phoenix application, in the `Endpoint` module:
defmodule MyApp.Endpoint do
plug GitHubWebhook,
secret: "secret",
path: "/github_webhook",
action: {MyApp.GithubWebhook, :handle}
# Rest of the plugs
so you can write the handler like so:
defmodule MyApp.GithubWebhook do
@spec handle(Plug.Conn.t(), map(), Keyword.t()) :: any()
def handle(conn, payload, opts) do
# Handle webhook payload here
# opts contains additional values from headers
# Return value of this function is ignored
## Configuration
The below variables can be set in your `config/config.exs` or via options to the plug:
config :github_webhook,
# Secret set in webhook settings page of the Github repository
secret: "foobar",
# Path that will be intercepted by GhWebhookPlug
path: "/api/github_webhook",
# Module and function that will be used to handle the webhook payload
action: {MyApp.GithubWebhook, :handle}
The following options are read at compile-time, and so therefore must be set in `config/config.exs`:
config :github_webhook,
# JSON library used for decoding the incoming request
json_library: Jason
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `github_webhook` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:github_webhook, "~> 0.2"}
The docs can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/github_webhook>.