# Glacier · Gleam Incremental Interactive Unit Testing

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**Glacier** brings incremental interactive unit testing to
[Gleam]( It is meant as a drop-in replacement for
[gleeunit]( and depends on a fork of it.

	<img src="" alt="Glacier Logo" style="max-height: 33vh; width: auto; height: auto" width="480" height="480"/>
  <figcaption><i><small>Glacier: <a href="">«A persistent body of dense ice that is constantly moving under its own weight.»</a></small></i></figcaption>

## Installation

1. Run:

   gleam remove gleeunit
   gleam add glacier --dev
   gleam clean

2. Open `YOUR_GlEAM_PROJECT/test/YOUR_GLEAM_PROJECT.gleam` and replace `import gleeunit` with
  `import glacier` and `gleeunit.main()` with `glacier.main()` (or alias glacier as gleeunit).
3. If you want to run on **Deno 1.40+** open `gleam.toml` and add:

   allow_read = ["./"]
   allow_net = [""]
   allow_run = ["gleam"]

## Usage

1. Run any one of these, of which some are synonyms:
   - `gleam test --target erlang -- --glacier`
   - `gleam test --target erl -- --glacier`
   - `gleam test --target javascript --runtime deno -- --glacier`
   - `gleam test --target javascript --runtime nodejs -- --glacier`
   - `gleam test --target js --runtime node -- --glacier`
2. Save gleam module within your projects `src` or `test` gleam directory and
   watch associated tests to re-run.

*Notice: On Linux [**inotify**]( must be installed.*

## Upgrading Glacier

Make sure to run `gleam clean` after upgrading Glacier as a dependency.

## Improvements over gleeunit

**Glacier** differs from **gleeunit** insofar, that it let's you:

1. Pass in the `glacier` flag like so: `gleam test -- --glacier`, save a gleam
   module and only related test modules will rerun.
2. Or pass in a specific unit test modules to rerun, for example:
   `gleam test -- test/my_module_test.gleam`.
3. If `gleam test` is passed without any `--`-arguments it behaves the same as
4. You can still pass in target or runtime flags, such as `--target javascript`
   `--runtime deno`, aka:
   - `gleam test --target javascript --runtime deno -- --glacier`
   - `gleam test --target javascript --runtime deno -- test/my_module_test.gleam`.
   - `gleam test --target js --runtime deno -- test/my_module_test.gleam`.

*Note: `gleam test` must only be executed from the base project directory!*

### Testing against Erlang, NodeJS and Deno simultaneously

Run these in 3 terminals side by side:

- `gleam test -- --glacier # this implies --target erlang`
- `gleam test --target js --runtime node -- --glacier`
- `gleam test --target js --runtime deno -- --glacier`

## Requirements & Installation

### Requirements

Requires Gleam 1.0.0 or later.

#### Target specific requirements

- Erlang/OTP 25 (lower may or may not run)
- NodeJS 18 LTS+ (lower may or may not run)
- Deno v1.30.0+ (lower does not run)

#### Target Erlang

Development and testing only happens on very recent stable Erlang/OTP versions, and thus may or may not run on previous versions.

Depends on [fs](

- Linux [relies]( on [**inotify**](
- Mac: Should work out of the box.
- Windows: Should work out of the box.

#### Target JavaScript/NodeJS/Deno

Development and testing only happens on very recent NodeJS LTS versions, and thus may or may not run on previous versions.

Depends on [NodeJS:``]( or [`Deno.watchFs`](

- Linux: [relies]( on [**inotify**](
- Mac: Should work out of the box.
- Windows: Should work out of the box.

## Documentation

Documentation can be found at <>.

## Contributing to Glacier

See [](./

## License

[Apache 2.0](./LICENCE)