# Gladvent
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An Advent Of Code runner for Gleam
This library is intended to be imported to your gleam project and used as a command runner for your advent of code project in gleam.
To add this library to your project run: `gleam add gladvent` and add `import gladvent` to your main gleam file.
## Using the library
This library provides 2 options to run your advent of code solvers:
1. The easy way: simply add `gladvent.main()` to the end of your project's `main` function.
2. Create your own `Map(Int, #(fn(String) -> Dynamic, fn(String) -> Dynamic))` and pass it to `gladvent.execute`
## Available commands
This project provides your application with 2 commands, `new` and `run`:
- `new`: create `src/days/*.gleam` and `input/*.txt` files that correspond to the specified days
- format: `gleam run new a b c ...`
- used like `gleam run new 1 2` with days 1 and 2 creates `input/day_1.txt` and `input/day_2.txt` as well as `src/days/day_1.gleam` and `src/days/day_2.gleam`
- `run`: run the specified days
- format: `gleam run run a b c ...`
- flags:
- `--timeout`: `gleam run run --timeout={timeout in ms} a b c ...`
- usage example: `gleam run run --timeout=1000 1 2` with timeout 1000 milliseconds and days 1 and 2, runs and prints the output of running the `run` function of `day_1.gleam` and `day_2.gleam`
- `--allow-crash`: runs days without the use of `rescue` functionality, rendering output text more verbose but also allowing for stacktraces to be printed
- usage example: `gleam run run 1 2 3 --allow-crash`
- `run all`: run all registered days
- format: `gleam run run all`
- flags:
- `--timeout`: `gleam run run all --timeout={timeout in ms}`
- usage example: `gleam run run --timeout=1000 1 2` with timeout 1000 milliseconds and days 1 and 2, runs and prints the output of running the `run` function of `day_1.gleam` and `day_2.gleam`
- `--allow-crash`: runs days without the use of `rescue` functionality, rendering output text more verbose but also allowing for stacktraces to be printed
- usage example: `gleam run run all --allow-crash`
- due to how `gladvent` works, the `pt_1` and `pt_2` functions only need to return `Dynamic` when direction building a `RunnerMap` and using `gladvent.execute`, when using `gladvent.main` they can return anything.
- the `new` command creates source files in `src/days/` and input files in the `input/` directory.
- the `run` command expects input files to be in the `input/` directory.
- using `gladvent.main` expects gleam day runners to be in `src/days/`
- any triggered `assert` will be captured and printed, for example: `error: assert - Assertion pattern match failed in module days/day_1 in function pt_1 at line 2 with value 2`
- any message in a `todo` will be captured and printed, for example: `error: todo - test in module days/day_1 in function pt_2 at line 7`
## Seeing help messages
- To see available subcommands: `gleam run -- --help`
- To see help for the `run` command: `gleam run run --help`
- To see help for the `run` command: `gleam run run all --help`
- To see help for the `new` command: `gleam run new --help`
## General Workflow
Where X is the day you'd like to add (when using `gladvent.main()`):
_Note:_ this method requires all day solutions be in `src/days/` with filenames `day_X.gleam`, each solution module containing `fn pt_1(String) -> Int` and a `fn pt_2(String) -> Int`
1. run `gleam run new X`
2. add your input to `input/day_X.txt`
3. add your code to `src/days/day_X.gleam`
4. run `gleam run run X`
## FAQ
### Why did you make this?
It seemed fun, I like small command line utilities and I wanted a way to get advent of code done in gleam without having the additional overhead of lots of copy-pasting and connecting things to get it to run
### Why does this not download the input from the advent of code website?
A few reasons:
1. I wanted to keep this utility as simple as possible to start with
2. I like the advent of code website and I felt like it was a shame to circumvent visiting it, especially since you should access it to read the daily challenge. On top of that, I would like to avoid spamming the `advent of code` api if possible.
### Why run as a command line utility and not just use unit tests?
I thought a lot about that and I prefer the overall interactivity of a CLI better, as well as allowing for endless runs or runs with configurable timeouts. Having it run as part of `eunit` doesnt provide as much flexibility as I would like.