# glam

A package to help you easily pretty print structured data ✨
> ⚙️ This package works with both the Erlang and Javascript target
## Installation
To add this package to your Gleam project:
gleam add glam
## Pretty printing
When working with structured data (like JSON, XML, lists, ASTs, ...) it can
be useful to print it in a nice and tidy way.
Of course, one could go the quick and dirty way and just `string.inspect`
the data structure and call it a day.
However, the result would hardly be readable for complex data structures.
On the other hand, hand writing a pretty printing function can be quite
difficult (I sure have spent my fair share of time writing those) and error
prone: there's a lot of moving pieces to juggle and its easy for bugs to sneak
A pretty printing package like glam provides some basic building block to
_describe_ the structure of your data and takes care of the heavy lifting of
actually finding the best layout to format the data, gracefully handling line
limits and indentation.
## Getting started
If you want to get started with glam, a great starting point is the
[introductory tutorial](https://hexdocs.pm/glam/01_gleam_lists.html) which will guide
you step by step in writing a pretty printer for lists.
By the end of the tutorial you'll know most of the package's API and you'll have
implemented a function that can nicely display lists like this:
pretty_list(["Gleam", "is", "fun!"])
|> doc.to_string(10) // Fit the list on lines of width 10
// [
// "Gleam",
// "is",
// "fun!",
// ]
You can also have a look at the
folder in the GitHub repo, there you'll also find a JSON pretty printer.
## Contributing
If you think there's any way to improve this package, or if you spot a bug
don't be afraid to open PRs, issues or requests of any kind!
Any contribution is welcome 💜