# glatch

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Gleam type check using pattern matching

gleam add glatch

import glatch.{IsString}
import gleam/string

pub fn main() {
  case glatch.get_type("world") {
    IsString(world) -> "Hello, " <> world
    unknown -> "Who are you? " <> string.inspect(unknown)

Further documentation can be found at <>.

## Current status

#### Native / Stdlib

- [x] String
- [x] Int
- [x] Float
- [x] Bool
- [x] List
  - [x] nested type check
  - [x] empty type check
- [x] Option
- [x] Result
- [x] Dict
  - [x] key type check
  - [x] value type check
  - [x] empty type check 

## Development

gleam run   # Run the project
gleam test  # Run the tests
gleam shell # Run an Erlang shell