# Gleam Cowboy! ðŸ¤
A Gleam HTTP service adapter for the [Cowboy][cowboy] web server.
You may want to consider using the [Mist][mist] web server instead as it has
better performance, features type safe websockets, and is written entirely in
Gleam. It is also supported by the [Wisp][wisp] web framework.
## Installation
gleam add gleam_cowboy
import gleam/erlang/process
import gleam/http/cowboy
import gleam/http/response.{type Response}
import gleam/http/request.{type Request}
import gleam/bytes_builder.{type BytesBuilder}
// Define a HTTP service
pub fn my_service(request: Request(t)) -> Response(BytesBuilder) {
let body = bytes_builder.from_string("Hello, world!")
|> response.prepend_header("made-with", "Gleam")
|> response.set_body(body)
// Start it on port 3000!
pub fn main() {
cowboy.start(my_service, on_port: 3000)
## Limitations
Cowboy does not support duplicate HTTP headers so any duplicates specified by
the Gleam HTTP service will not be sent to the client.
[cowboy]: https://github.com/ninenines/cowboy
[mist]: https://github.com/rawhat/mist
[wisp]: https://github.com/lpil/wisp