# gleam_erlexec
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A wrapper around the functions found in
It probably goes without saying, but this functionality is only available when
runnning on BEAM.
## Quick start
import gleam/erlexec as exec
pub fn main() {
assert Ok(bash) = exec.find_executable("bash")
assert Ok(exec.Pids(_pid, ospid)) =
|> exec.with_stdin(exec.StdinPipe)
|> exec.with_stdout(exec.StdoutCapture)
|> exec.with_stderr(exec.StderrStdout)
|> exec.with_monitor(True)
|> exec.with_pty(True)
|> exec.run_async(exec.Execve([bash, "-c", "echo started && cat"]))
assert Ok(exec.ObtainStdout(_, "started\r\n")) = exec.obtain(500)
assert Ok(Nil) = exec.send(ospid, "test\n")
assert Ok(exec.ObtainStdout(_, "test\r\n")) = exec.obtain(500)
assert Ok(Nil) = exec.kill_ospid(ospid, 9)
## Installation
This package can be added to your Gleam project:
gleam add gleam_erlexec
## Development
gleam test # Run the tests
gleam run # Run a small example
gleam shell # Run an Erlang shell
The test suite is still fairly incomplete, but without code coverage it is a
bit hard to ensure all cases are covered and the main functionality is tested
in `erlexec` itself.
Happy for any PRs though.