# Fetch

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Bindings to JavaScript's built in HTTP client, `fetch`.

import gleam/fetch
import gleam/http.{Get}
import gleam/javascript/promise

pub fn main() {
  // Prepare a HTTP request record
  let req = http.default_req()
    |> http.set_method(Get)
    |> http.set_host("")
    |> http.set_path("/hello/world")
    |> http.prepend_req_header("accept", "application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json")

  // Send the HTTP request to the server
  |> fetch.send
  |> promise.then_try(fetch.read_text_body)
  |> promise.then(fn(resp) {
    // We get a response record back
    assert Ok(Response(status: 200, ..) as resp) = resp

    assert Ok("text/html; charset=utf-8") =
      http.get_resp_header(resp, "content-type")

    assert "{\"message\":\"Hello World\"}" = resp.body
